Appeals process
You can appeal if your child has been refused a place at an Enfield Council school. Our School Appeals Service administers the process.
Academies, Voluntary Aided or Foundation schools are responsible for their own appeal arrangements. You should contact the school for details.
There are separate arrangements for school places offered to children who have a full statement of special educational needs (SEN) or an education health and care plan (EHCP). If this applies to your child, contact our SEN Service.
Our school appeals guidance (PDF, 156.45 KB) will help you understand:
- how the appeals process works
- what will happen at an appeal hearing
- how the appeal panel will make its decision on your appeal
For further information, see our infant class size appeals guidance (PDF, 153.51 KB).
Make a school admission appeal
If you think your appeal hearing was not conducted properly, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman Service.
Any complaints about academy independent admission appeal panels should be directed to the Education Funding Agency. For further information, see the GOV.UK factsheet.
Appeals panel volunteers
If you're interested in Education and want to get involved, you can apply to become a Volunteer School Appeals Panel Member.
The panel members guidance (PDF, 134.72 KB) will help you understand what volunteering would involve.
Role of an appeals panel member
If a child has been refused a place at their preferred school or they have been permanently excluded from school, their parent or carer can appeal to an independent panel. As a panel member you will consider their case and decide whether to allow or refuse their appeal.
Panel members
We have a pool of panel members and 3 members are usually chosen for each hearing to decide on a number of appeals. Each panel must have at least one:
- education member - someone who has experience in education, such as a parent of a child in school or a teacher
- 'lay' member - someone who has no personal experience in education or the management of a school, such as any member of the public
Being a panel member can be a rewarding experience if you have free time during weekdays and want to help the community. You do not need any specific experience, although applications are particularly welcome from current and former education professionals and school governors.
Many volunteer panel members enjoy sitting on hearings and find the variety of cases interesting and benefit from developing their experience.
Contact us
If you would like more information about the role and how to become a panel member, email