As a governor, you'll gain insights into school operations, hone your leadership abilities, and make a meaningful contribution to the well-being and growth of young people in your community.
To qualify as a governor, you must be at least 18 years old, not be a registered student at the school, and you cannot hold more than one governorship at the same institution. The school will require that you undertake a DBS check.
Types of governors
- Associate members are not governors, but have an area of experience or expertise that the governing body can benefit from. They are elected by the governing body to a specific committee and may have voting rights as agreed by the governing body.
- Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing body to represent community interests. They can live or work locally and have a range of skills and experience.
- Foundation governors are appointed by the organisation, authority or trust which established the school, to represent their interests. They are appointed to voluntary aided or voluntary controlled schools.
- Local authority (LA) governors are nominated by an LA governor nomination panel and are appointed by the governing body
- Parent governors are parents and carers of pupils attending the school. Parents cannot be governors if they are elected members of the LA or work at the school for more than 500 hours a year. They are elected by other parents and carers at the school. If not enough parents stand for election, the governing body can appoint other candidates who may not be parents.
- Partnership governors replace foundation governors if a foundation school has no founding body. The governing body seeks nominations from parents and the community.
- Sponsor governors are appointed by the governing body. They represent an organisation that provides services or gives assistance to the school.
- Staff governors are teaching and support staff paid to work at the school and are elected by other staff
Head teachers will automatically become a governor but may choose not to take the position. However, they have the right to attend all governor meetings.
If you are interested in becoming a governor, complete the online application form.