School options for children with SEND

If your child has special educational needs, finding a school can feel like a big decision. Before choosing a school, it’s a good idea to do research online, talk to friends, view Ofsted reports, and talk to professionals who know your child.

Your options could include:

Mainstream schools

The needs of your child may be met in a mainstream school. You can find out about schools and how to apply for a school place, by visiting school admissions.

Every school must have a SEND information report on their website, which details how they support children with SEND. We advise you to read this before you visit.

Most schools have open days, talks or tours during the autumn term where you can visit the school before applying. You can see the facilities, meet the staff and ask any questions.

You can also contact the school directly and ask to meet with the SENCo. It's important the school knows about your child's needs in advance so they can make your child's settling in period as smooth and as positive as possible.

Further advice

Centre 404 provides the Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS). They offer independent advice and guidance on a range of school-based inclusion issues.

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