Primary Behaviour Support Service

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The Primary Behaviour Support Service, also known as the SWERRL Team (strengthening wellbeing, emotional health, relationships and readiness for learning), is a multi-disciplinary team working in partnership with schools and other services in Enfield.

They support inclusion of primary school children who are experiencing social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties. They also help Enfield primary schools achieve a zero permanent exclusion goal.

Understanding child behaviour

The Primary Behaviour Support Service bring understanding to challenging behaviour, through trauma-informed perspectives and recognition of troubled life experiences. Their intervention work is aimed at benefiting the whole school community.

The team aims to improve school staff understanding of a child’s behaviour and enable them to help calm the child’s feelings of stress, regulate their emotions, and over time develop greater self-management skills.

This is an innovative team who offer bespoke responses to the individual pupils’ needs in a school context. The diverse skills of the team means they can offer:

For more information or to get the SWERRL request for involvement form, Enfield primary schools can contact the SWERRL team by emailing or by calling 020 3855 5879. The form must have a parents’ signature and their support.

Secondary Behaviour Support Service

The Secondary Behaviour Support Service (SBSS) works in partnership with secondary schools in Enfield to prevent permanent exclusions, by supporting learners through an outreach and alternative provision service.

Outreach Service

The Outreach Service consists of 4 learning mentors who work closely with children and young people, through one-to-one mentoring and group interventions.

The Outreach Service also offers extra mentoring support to students who have been placed on managed moves. The service aims to support the transition to their new school and increase the chances of the managed move being successful.

Alternative Provision Service

The Alternative Provision Service offers advice and support to find alternative provision for students who are at serious risk of permanent exclusion, those who have already been permanently excluded, and students who are without a school place. This service works closely with Enfield secondary schools, the Pupil Referral Unit and the School Admissions Service.

The Alternative Provision Service consists of 2 learning mentors. These mentors work closely with schools and provide one-to-one mentoring to students.

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