If you need support for a child or young person with autism in Enfield, there are lots of organisations, tools and resources which can help.

The Enfield Advisory Service for Autism

The Enfield Advisory Service for Autism (EASA) supports autistic children and young people aged 0 to 25 years. They work with educational settings and parents to increase understanding of autism, and develop services and support.

EASA is made up of the combined outreach services of both specialist autism schools in Enfield, Russet House School (nursery and primary) and Durants School (secondary and post-16). The service benefits from the vast experience of staff from these schools, as well as partnering with autism specialists from Enfield and beyond.

EASA works with the Autism Education Trust (AET) to raise awareness and promote positive attitudes towards autistic people in schools, communities and places of work.

EASA also provides training programmes, including AET modules. They give practical advice through workshops and surgeries, and provide bespoke support for educational settings and parents. Most of this is free to access for Enfield school staff and Enfield parents.

Support available from EASA:

For more information, visit Enfield Advisory Service for Autism or follow EASA on Twitter and Facebook.

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