In March 2023, the SEND Enfield Local Area Partnership underwent an area SEND inspection, carried out by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission.
The inspection recognised that leaders across the partnership are ambitious to improve outcomes for children and young people and are continuing to make improvements to services, supported by children, young people, and their families involvement. The report captured areas where the partnership was effective in its delivery and areas for improvement.
Read the inspection report.
To ensure consistency in the experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND, the inspection identified 3 areas of improvement. While these areas were already included in our SEND partnership strategy (PDF, 1657.19 KB) and SEND Local Area Action Plan (XLSX, 76.91 KB), we welcome the opportunity to use the report’s findings to further refine our commitment and actions in these documents.
Areas for improvement
Leaders should make sure that information sharing across education, health and care services leads to a more consistent understanding of current needs and supports transition for children and young people as they move from one provider to another.
To do this we will:
- improve the information sharing between North Central London Health specialist services such as GOSH and Whittington Health audiology and the in-borough children and young people’s community services
- improve information sharing between professionals and ensure EHCPs capture the current needs
- improve quality assurance within the partnership to make sure plans are of a high quality, explain current needs and are coproduced with the young person and their families
- put into place the SEN case management system so that all professionals can store and record up to date information about children, young people, and their families
- improve information sharing, the opportunity to self-manage ongoing physical and mental health conditions (self-management pathways), and ability to self-refer, so individual have more control over their lives as they transition between providers
The partnership should ensure that EHC plans consistently reflect current needs in the prescribed outcomes for children and young people. They should ensure that the annual review process leads to EHC plans being updated in a timely way.
To do this, we will make sure systems used to document, track and quality assure annual review’s, enable our children and young people to have important and up to date EHCPs that include all their suggested outcomes.
Leaders should ensure that children and young people with SEND who move from children to adult health services experience a smooth and effective transition.
To do this we will:
- revise the post 14 annual review offer starting from year 9 for young people who are unlikely to meet adult services thresholds
- review the early notification form to transitional operational group to make sure that it captures all young people with an EHCP especially those who will require a non-specialist/universal offer
- promote the preparing for adulthood transition events more widely using a range of media
- have up to date advice information to make sure the EHCPs are reflective of current needs
- make sure families are fully aware of the step-down offer from a statutory service, so they can plan and access the new opportunities