Educational Psychology Service telephone support line
Enfield Educational Psychology Service (EPS) is offering parents and carers the chance to speak to an educational psychologist about a concern or issue they may have about their child.
Educational psychologists are professionals concerned with the development, learning, social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people. Issues we can help you to think about include:
- learning
- emotions (such as fears and worries, low mood and anger)
- transitions at school and home
- parenting
- resource seeking
- signposting to appropriate services
Calls can be booked between 9:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Book a telephone consultation with an educational psychologist
You can also call us on 020 8379 2000 to request a phone call.
We will do our best to respond to your request within 10 working days. A telephone consultation is not a formal referral to our service.
For more information, email
Preparing for adulthood
Young people with SEND should start preparing for adulthood from the age of 14.
For information, advice and guidance, see our preparing for adulthood page and information booklet (PDF, 3156.48 KB).
Our preparing for adulthood online events offer support for parents and carers as their young person transitions to adulthood.
New free SEND school for children with complex autism
We have been successful in our application to the Department for Education to establish a new school providing at least 48 places.
For more information, see Special free schools.
Behaviour support drop-ins
Do you need help to prevent and manage behaviours of distress?
Would you like to talk to a Positive Behaviour Support practitioner and parents from Our Voice Parent Carer Forum for advice and support with your child's behaviour?
The next session will be held on:
- 6 September 2024
For information, view Parent and family behaviour support drop-ins (PDF, 93.89 KB).
Statutory decision notices – specially resourced provision
Honilands Primary School
Enfield Council undertook a public consultation about a proposal for Honilands Primary School to establish a specially resourced provision (SRP) for pupils with autism and complex needs from January 2025.
The proposed SRP will have 8 local authority places for pupils in EY/KS1 with EHCPs, and a further 8 KS2 places, in agreement with parents and carers.
For more information, see statutory notice - Honilands Primary School.
Oakthorpe Primary School
Enfield Council undertook a public consultation about a proposal for Oakthorpe Primary School to establish a specially resourced provision (SRP) for pupils with autism and complex needs from January 2025.
The proposed SRP will have 8 local authority places for pupils in Key Stage 2 with education, health and care plans.
For more information, see statutory notice - Oakthorpe Primary School.
Firs Farm Primary School
Enfield Council undertook a public consultation about a proposal for Firs Farm Primary School to establish a specially resourced provision (SRP) for pupils with autism and complex needs from September 2024.
The proposed SRP will have 8 local authority places for pupils with education, health and care plans, and 2 discretionary places for pupils who are currently on roll at the school.
For more information, see statutory notice of decision – Firs Farm Primary School.
Our Voice newsletter
Our Voice is a parent-led voluntary organisation working with parents, carers, and both statutory and voluntary sectors.
Our aim is to improve services for children and young people with SEND, from 0 to 25 years old, who live or attend an early years or educational setting in Enfield.
View the new Our Voice newsletter for spring 2025.
What's new in SEND
View the latest documents for our SEND families: