Independent travel training

Our getting to school policy (PDF, 458.69 KB) sets out that our preferred type of travel assistance is independent travel training. It gives children and young people the skills and confidence to travel independently on public transport and helps prepare them for independent adult life.

By reducing young people's dependence on specialist transport, we can increase opportunities open to them in the future, such as going to college, getting a job or getting out and about with friends.

Our film below shows how young people can be supported to travel independently through travel training:

Independent travel training is provided by West Lea School and is available to any student in year 7 and above who has special educational needs, is an Enfield resident and attends an Enfield school.

The training covers:

How to access the service

You can self-refer by using our travel training referral form (PDF, 273.75 KB). You can also ask a teacher or SENCo at your school, or SEN services to refer for you.

For more information, view the independent travel training (PDF, 1079.05 KB) or email

Please note that due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, there may be delays in responding to referrals.

First Route Enfield – a safe introduction to independent travel in London

A service for people with learning disabilities or autism:

For further information, view:

To book a place, contact Claire Fenwick by:

Other help with transport

London also has loads of accessible transport options to help you get around:

CHPS logo

Community Help Point Scheme

Community Help Point Scheme acts as an emergency help point if you need support to travel safely.

Members display a logo in their window, so if you're a victim of bullying or crime, get lost or feel frightened, you can ask for help.

Help travelling to and from school or college if you have SEND

To find out if you're eligible for help with travel, see our travel assistance page.

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