Admission to a nursery class - September 2025

If your child was born between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2022, you can apply for a nursery place at one of the following primary schools:

You need to apply for a place by 15 February 2025. Your child will start nursery in September 2025.

The online eAdmissions system is now open. The latest date for your application to be treated as an on-time application is 15 February 2025. Any application made after this date are treated as late applications.

For more information about applying online, view our step-by-step guide to applying online (PDF, 292.84 KB).

Applying for a nursery place in other schools

If you want to apply for any other schools with nursery classes attached, you will need to contact the schools directly. For more information, view our applying for a nursery school in Enfield (PDF, 7146.33 KB).

Other early education and childcare

Informed Families can provide details on other nursery classes, day nurseries and playgroups run by voluntary and private organisations.

Medical criterion

If you would like your child’s application to be considered under the medical criterion, see out medical priority guidance.

For more information about any educational provision available for your child before September 2025, contact Informed Families.

How to apply for admission to a nursey class 2024

The eAdmissions online portal can no longer be used to apply for a nursery class for 2024. If you still need to make an application, please complete the in-year nursery application form. Further information can be obtained from In-year admissions (moving school during the year).

Information about schools in Enfield

You can search for primary, secondary and special needs schools in Enfield and across England by visiting, GOV.UK - compare the performance of schools and colleges in England. Here you can access Ofsted reports, information on school performance and approximate home-to-school distances. These are only a guide, as we use our own specialist systems to measure distances when allocating places in Enfield.

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