Admission to primary school - September 2024

Places at Enfield primary and infant schools were allocated in line with the published admissions criteria for each school. To read the criteria, view our Enfield primary admissions criteria 2024 (PDF, 9711.53 KB).

Accepting your offer

If you applied online and received your allocation by email, you should accept your place by 30 April 2024 using your eAdmissions account. We advise that you accept the place even if you wish to pursue a different school, either through the waiting list or appeals process.

For information about oversubscribed community schools, academies and free schools, and the furthest distance we offered places, see our chart (PDF, 334.85 KB).

Waiting lists

All oversubscribed Enfield schools have waiting lists. You can get waiting list positions for all schools other than church schools from us. You will need to contact church schools directly for their information.

Your child’s name is automatically included on the waiting list for an Enfield school that was a higher preference than the school they were offered. The waiting lists are held in accordance with each schools published admission arrangements. A child’s position can go down as well as up. As an example, this can be because a new application has been received and a family live nearer to the school.

If you want your child to be considered for a school that was not one of your original preferences or was a lower preference than the one they were offered, you will need to complete a PR2 form (PDF, 115.19 KB). You should email the complete form to by 30 April 2024.


If your child was not offered a place at your preferred school, you can appeal. Infant class sizes are restricted by law to thirty pupils with one qualified teacher. If your child has not been offered a place because the class is at this limit, you can still appeal. However, it is important you read the information with the form as infant appeals are often unsuccessful because panels have limited powers to uphold this type of appeal.

Appeals for community schools are arranged by the appeals service. Academies, voluntary aided, foundation and free schools are responsible for their own appeal procedures.

For more information visit out school admissions appeal page.

Schools outside Enfield

If you’ve been unsuccessful with an application for a school outside of Enfield, you should contact the school or the borough the school is in for more information.

If you haven’t made an application for primary school for Autumn 2024

If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020, you should apply for them to start their primary school education.

Visit eAdmissions to register and complete an online application for primary school for the Autumn term.

Deferring your child’s place

If your child was born between 1 April 2020 and 31 August 2020 and you want to defer their entry to school by a whole year, see our summer born guidance (PDF, 273.62 KB) and complete the deferral request form (PDF, 119.33 KB). For further information about school admissions for children born in the summer, visit GOV.UK - Summer born children starting school: advice for parents.

Medical criterion

If you would like your child’s application to be considered under the medical criterion, see our medical priority guidance.

Frequently asked questions

We know that you may need more information about the admissions to reception. The frequently asked questions document (PDF, 342.71 KB) has further details about the process.


See a list of schools with possible vacancies (PDF, 133.45 KB) as at 24 May 2024.

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