Managed Move overview
Managed Move co-ordinator
To lead on managed moves for the LBE, supporting children and schools involved with the fair access managed move process.
Successfully navigating children's issues relating to behaviour and learning ensuring a coordinated approach with other partners and external providers. This will improve the standards and increase the number of successfully managed moves in LBE.
The aims
A managed move aims to provide a fresh start for a student in a new school environment where they can overcome challenges and thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. It is typically a collaborative process involving the student, their parents or carers, the current school, the receiving school, and other relevant stakeholders, such as local authorities or support services.
It is important to note that managed moves should only be used as a last resort, and all other options should be explored first.
The desired outcomes are:
- make an impact on changing and modifying behaviours and attitudes towards learning during and beyond their time at school
- enable the learner to achieve a sense of success and pride within the curriculum offered by the new setting
- develop the learners’ social, emotional, and behavioural skills
- help students overcome barriers to learning
- introduce learners to new skills and opportunities that will make the Managed move transition successful
- continue creating and reviewing resources
- to be able to navigate their way through secondary school independently and effectively
- to raise attainment and raise the aspirations of the individual learner
- identification of any SEN of the learner working with MM co-ordinator
- attending professional meetings
- signposting of additional support for schools, students, and families
- support for parents/carers in all aspects of their child’s life
- a reduction in the need for schools to use alternative provision as a long-term solution to full-time education
- a reduction in suspensions and permanent exclusions in KS3, Ks4
Learner criteria
Managed moves can be used for a variety of reasons, including:
- Year 7 to 11
- Bullying: If a student is being bullied, a managed move may be considered to help them feel safe and supported
- Social needs: If a student is not fitting in at their current school, a managed move may be considered to find a school where they can make friends and feel more comfortable
- Learners whose behaviour has been identified as causing concern within the school
- One of major incidents
- Cannot have an EHCP in place at the time of referral
The process
- Referral from schools to the Fair Access Panel for the discussion on new placement and why
- Attend Fair Access Panel
- SBSS Managed move coordinator to meet the student when possible before the move
- The coordinator to arrange an induction meeting between both schools and allocate support to the new school
- Contact the school to make a 1:1 plan
- Manage the move throughout the process
- 1:1 session to last a minimum of 4-8 weeks
- Keeping a log of mentees' discussions/needs and advice
- Update Manged Move database school and Admissions with students' data throughout the process
- Weekly visits
- Session time will depend on the timetable and requirements of the school
- 1:1 Individual mentoring session- Weekly
- Session time will be during an agreed lesson, so as not to disrupt the learner
1:1 support will be arranged and delivered from the managed move coordinator and the numerous agencies available.
Feedback is provided to schools, students, and families throughout the Managed Move process.