Looked-after Children’s team
Assistant Head for Looked-after Children – Ronnie Simpson
I am responsible for improving the educational experiences and outcomes for Enfield’s looked-after children, including those placed out of borough. I am also responsible for monitoring and evaluating looked-after children’s progress through their personal education plans (PEPs).
I provide advice, guidance and training to schools, social workers and other associated professionals on strategies to improve the education of looked-after children, particularly through improving school attendance, reducing suspensions and permanent exclusions, and ensuring that all professionals maintain high educational aspirations for all children.
If you are a school professional, social worker or other associated practitioner and you would like to discuss the education of looked-after children, please contact me by email at ronnie.simpson@enfield.gov.uk, or telephone 020 8132 0393.
Advisory Teacher – Stuart Chatterton
My role is to oversee the personal educational plans (PEPs) for Enfield’s looked-after children (LAC) in school years nursery to Y5 and also Y7. I provide guidance and support to schools and social workers in relation to looked-after children’s educational provision, attending termly PEP meetings and quality checking completed PEPs.
I also oversee the Virtual School ‘exclusions project’. I support and advocate for the continuity of education for those Enfield looked after children who are suspended or at risk of suspension or permanent exclusion. In addition, I work alongside my colleagues, wider professionals, carers and schools to support the Virtual School’s corporate parenting responsibilities.
You can contact me by email at stuart.chatterton@enfield.gov.uk, or telephone 020 8132 1957.
Attendance Caseworker – Suzan Guven
My role is to ensure the consistent engagement and attendance of looked-after children. I work closely with students, carers, social workers, and school staff to identify and address barriers to regular attendance, promote positive attendance habits, and implement interventions to improve student engagement and success.
My key responsibilities include monitoring attendance by tracking and analysing student attendance data, and identifying patterns of absenteeism and students at risk of chronic absence. I also, develop and implement interventions which include planning and executing targeted intervention plans to improve attendance. I collaborate with designated teachers, social workers, and other professionals to support children’s needs.
You can contact me by email at suzan.guven@enfield.gov.uk, or telephone 020 8148 3895.
PEP Advisory Teacher for LAC and Leaving Care – Rianna Dixon
My role in the Virtual School is to quality assure PEPs to ensure children are making progress and schools are using the pupil premium grant (PPG) allowance to enhance children’s education in the best way possible.
I also arrange the initial PEP meetings for children who are new into care. Additionally, I read, check and sign off PEPs for our 16+ cohort. I help to facilitate these and attend any meetings for relevant young people. If a young person is not in education, employment or training (NEET), I act as their designated teacher giving support and advice on future career paths. I also have responsibility for allocating any 16+ PPG funding that is required as a result of the PEP meeting.
You can contact me by email at rianna.dixon@enfield.gov.uk, or telephone 020 8148 3895.
Engagement and Participation Officer – Sevgi Rifat
I am responsible for the children in care council (CICC) which Enfield looked-after children and care leavers have named KRATOS. It ensures that the voice of looked-after children and care leavers is heard in relation to decision making about policy and service development, enhancement, and review.
I also support looked-after children to attend a range of educational and social opportunities to support them to build relationships and share their views. Another area of responsibility of mine is Enfield’s Youth Council (EYC).
If you are a social worker, foster carer or young person and would like to discuss children in care council opportunities, please contact me by email at sevgi.rifat@enfield.gov.uk, or telephone 020 4526 5239.
Education Co-ordinator – Lorraine Brown
I coordinate and monitor the timely and appropriate allocation of the Virtual School core budget and the pupil premium grant to schools and colleges, or for other purposes as set out in the grant criteria. I act as education data manager for the Virtual School, quality assuring and analysing data and performance trends, and identifying areas requiring improvement across a range of statutory educational measures.
You can contact me by email at lorraine.c.brown@enfield.gov.uk, or telephone 020 8132 0892.
Clinical Lead Speech and Language Therapist (social, emotional and mental health) – Kate Gill
I am the Speech and Language Therapist allocated to the Virtual School. I am responsible for developing, co-ordinating and delivering the speech and language offer for all children looked after by Enfield. My role involves providing training, advice and consultation (to social workers, foster carers, schools and other professionals) to develop the network’s understanding and skills in working with vulnerable children with speech, language and communication needs.
I am responsible for overseeing the school screening of all Enfield looked-after children, and provide the link between the Virtual School and the wider NHS Speech and Language Therapy Service. I hold a small caseload of complex cases where more specialist clinical assessment and involvement is required.
I work for the Virtual School on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Virtual School extended duties staff
Virtual School Assistant Head for Vulnerable Children – Malaika Williams
I am responsible for the strategic development of the extended duties of Enfield Virtual School to promote the educational outcomes of children with a social worker (CWSW). This includes children with a child protection plan, those with a child in need plan, previously looked-after children and those in kinship care.
I also provide advice, guidance and training to schools, social workers and other associated professionals on strategies to improve the education of children with a social worker. In particular, through improving school attendance, reducing suspensions and permanent exclusions, and ensuring that all professionals maintain high educational aspirations for all children.
If you are a school professional, social worker or other associated practitioner, and you would like some advice and guidance about the education of a child with a social worker, please contact me by email at malaika.williams@enfield.co.uk, or telephone 020 8312 1657.
Previously Looked-after Children Officer – Jane Manning
I provide advice and guidance to schools, professionals, parents and carers regarding the educational needs of children who may have been previously Looked After, or who are not living with their birth parents. This includes children who live in kinship care, those who are adopted, living with Special Guardians or under a Child Arrangement Order (formerly a Residence Order).
I can offer support to parents and guardians regarding issues such as navigating the SEND system, the availability of Pupil Premium Plus and Priority School Admission, where applicable. I can signpost to other sources of help and support and provide training to schools and other professionals.
You can contact me by email at jane.manning@enfield.gov.uk, or telephone 020 4526 7039.
My working days are Monday to Wednesday.
Senior Advisory Teacher for CiN – Kazia Fulmyk
With an educational career in Headship and SEND, I provide social workers and schools strategic advice around education. I am specifically allocated to the Adolescent Safeguarding team (AST) and advise the professional network primarily on attendance, behaviour and SEND, with the aim to reduce suspensions and permanent exclusions.
Throughout the year I deliver training to schools on how to complete and utilise the ‘Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires’ (SDQs). Training has a specific focus on looking at the child as a whole (academically, behaviourally, social interactions and mental health) and how this can influence targeted support and intervention/s.
If you're a school professional, social worker or other associated practitioner, and you would like some advice and guidance about the education of a child open to the AST, please contact me by email at kazia.fulmyk@enfield.co.uk, or telephone 020 4534 2645.
My working days are Tuesday, Wednesday and alternate Thursdays.
Advisory Teacher at Youth Justice Service – Seda Soylu
I am responsible for providing strategic support to children under the supervision of the Youth Justice Service. My role centres on statutory-aged children within this cohort, offering advice, guidance and training to schools, on strategies to enhance the education of children with offending histories or those in custodial settings.
Our primary goals are to improve school attendance and reduce suspensions and permanent exclusions. Through professional liaison and multi-agency collaboration, we aim to ensure that all professionals work together to support high educational aspirations for these children.
If you are a school professional, social worker or other associated practitioner, and you would like advice and guidance about the education of a child in the Youth Justice Service, please contact me by email at seda.soylu@enfield.gov.uk, or telephone 020 8132 1788.
Business Support Officer – Jill Jeffrey
I am Business Support Officer for the Virtual School extended duties for children with a child protection plan or child in need plan. I am responsible for monitoring all students on the child protection register, specifically looking at attendance and suspensions, and ensuring all social workers are aware of any issues.
I prepare a social worker weekly attendance report for all students, a monthly overview report for Virtual School management, and organise a monthly meeting where specific cases are looked at, and support is offered to social workers regarding any school or education issues.
You can contact me by email at jill.jeffrey@enfield.gov.uk, or telephone 020 7038 0224.
Educational Psychologist – Dr Becky Mulhall
I provide educational and trauma-informed guidance to Virtual School colleagues, social workers, educational professionals, and parents and carers for children who have a child-protection plan or child in need plan. I contribute advice, training and group supervision (reflective practice) for social workers, supporting professionals to reflect systemically and utilise a trauma informed lens within their practice.
I support schools with training in therapeutic approaches, such as playfulness acceptance curiosity and empathy (PACE), and provide consultations and advice for vulnerable children who have a social worker (CWSW). I work in partnership with a range of professionals to improve the educational outcomes of children with a social worker.
Assistant Educational Psychologist
I undertake projects within the Virtual School to support professionals with understanding and working with children who have had a social worker. I have designed and deliver PACE training. This teaches school staff strategies to engage with trauma experienced children and young people using playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy.
I have also explored the experience of transitioning from primary school to secondary school for looked-after children, previously looked-after children and children with a social worker. Using this, I am creating work and information packs to help children and their carers prepare for secondary school.