Before the meeting
Social worker
Social worker must ensure that PEPs are reviewed once each academic term (3 times a year) (see term dates sheet) and co-ordinate with the school to ensure the PEP date is not in the school holidays.
At transition stages nursery, year 6 and 11 – staff from the receiving school or college must be invited to the meetings in terms 2 and 3 to ensure a smooth transition.
The social worker should liaise with all outside professionals, the designated teacher and the foster carer/parent, if appropriate, to ensure that all can attend the meeting.
Designated teacher
Targets 1 and 2 need to be academic and drafted in consultation with the young person’s teachers prior to the meeting. Target 3 should be based on the social emotional and mental health needs of the child and it is vital that this target is child centred and if possible, reflects their views.
The designated teacher should ideally complete the 'educational attainment and progress' section before the meeting.
The designated teacher should meet with the young person prior to the PEP if it is not possible for the young person to attend the meeting so that the young person can express their wishes and feelings about school and education.
The academic targets should reflect homework, career aspirations and any issues surrounding progress in learning.
All targets must have key strategies and interventions which demonstrate the use of the pupil premium funding. Any interventions arranged by the virtual school should also be recorded in this section.
Each target must be SMART. It should include strategies, expected evidence of impact/outcome. The progress should be achievable within 12 weeks (see examples of targets).
Previous targets should be reviewed and inform the next set of PEP targets.
At the meeting
All participants
Targets, key strategies and interventions from the previous PEP must be reviewed, showing impact of how the pupil premium grant has been spent, and any interventions that have been provided by the virtual school.
All meetings must be held in a confidential space and the young person should be invited to the meeting to ensure their voice is reflected in the PEP document. Everyone must be clear in their role to support improvement and achievement.
Everyone must agree the use of PPG funding at this meeting (£520 /term). The funding should be linked to supporting the achievement of the target(s).
PEP meetings that do not take place on the date shown on Welfare Call, need the date changing on the system to reflect the actual date when the PEP was held.
After the meeting
All participants
It is the responsibility of both, social workers and designated teachers, to complete all parts of the PEP. The appropriate sections in the e-PEP are highlighted in red for designated teachers, blue for social worker and the purple sections should be completed by both. The designated teacher and the social worker need to complete their parts of the PEP within 7 days of the meeting.
Once everyone agrees to the targets, all parties must sign off the PEP. It is the role of the social worker to set up and agree the next meeting.
Both the designated teacher and social worker, must sign off the e-PEP. The VS completes the final sign off. Only when a PEP is complete, and VS agrees with the targets and use of PPG, will the funding be released to the school.
The designated teacher has responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of the targets. The designated teacher must ensure that the strategies are in place, are communicated to relevant staff, and are monitored regularly to ensure they have been met before the next PEP meeting. The e-PEP will remind, by email, the designated teacher and the social worker several weeks before the next PEP is due. Designated teachers and the social workers will also be reminded by the virtual school to complete the PEP a week after the meeting took place.
Additional funding can be applied for through the virtual school in exceptional circumstances.