Special guardians and kinship carers

Kinship carers and special guardians who care for children who were never ‘looked-after’ by a local authority (even for one day) are in a different situation from those who were.

If your child is in kinship care but was never ‘looked-after’, they will not get priority school admission or pupil premium plus, even if they have a special guardianship or child arrangement order.

Many children in kinship care have experienced grief, separation, loss, or trauma in their early lives. Some may have experienced abuse or neglect, and these experiences can have lasting effects on them emotionally, socially and academically. Their needs do not change overnight, and they do not stop being vulnerable just because they are now in a loving home.

Certain times of the year or school life can be particularly difficult for these children, especially during transitions like the start or end of the academic year. It might be helpful to talk to the school about your child’s needs so they can prepare for these changes.

Every school has a designated teacher (DT) for children who were looked-after or previously looked-after (LAC or PLAC). This teacher is a good person to get to know and talk to about your child’s story and needs.

Children in kinship care (unless it is a private, informal arrangement) are entitled to educational advice and guidance from Jane Manning at Enfield’s Virtual School.

You can contact Jane from Monday to Wednesday at jane.manning@enfield.gov.uk or call 020 4526 7039.

Jane also runs termly coffee mornings for special guardians and kinship carers to discuss educational issues and meet other carers. Please look out for details.

For more information, view Educational support for children in kinship care in Enfield - advice for carers (PDF, 955.92 KB).

Frequently asked questions for kinship carers and special guardians

Is there anyone at my child’s school I should talk to?

Every school has a teacher whose role it is to be the 'designated teacher for looked-after, and previously looked-after children'. It would be a good idea to arrange an appointment with this person when your child starts school, or at any point afterwards, as it can help school to understand your child and any needs they may have.

We have a special guardianship order or child arrangement order but our child was never 'looked-after', will my child receive pupil premium plus?

Unfortunately, your child is not entitled to this benefit currently. However, you are still entitled to receive advice and guidance from Enfield’s PLAC Officer, Jane Manning (see contact details above).

My child is struggling at school, who should I contact?

In the first instance, contact your child’s class teacher or SENDCo (primary school) or form tutor, head of year or SENDCo (secondary school). It may also be useful to include the designated teacher for LAC or PLAC in any discussion.

What is a suspension or exclusion?

An exclusion occurs when the head teacher has decided that as a result of a child’s behaviour they can no longer attend the school either permanently or for a specified period of time (suspension). The exclusion has to be in accordance with the school’s behaviour policy and national guidance on exclusion.

If your child has been suspended or excluded, please contact Jane Manning (see contact details above) for advice and guidance.

I think my child has additional needs, what should I do?

Please contact the school SENDCo to discuss. If you have worries regarding your child’s behaviour at school please talk to staff.

If you have any educational queries about your child, and you have concerns or worries after contacting the school, please contact Enfield’s PLAC Officer, Jane Manning (see contact details above).

Useful websites and resources

Enfield Special Guardianship duty line

Telephone 020 8379 8490 (Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 10am to 3:30pm) or email us at specialguardians@enfield.gov.uk.


Kinship are specialists in supporting kinship carers with any concerns. You can contact their advice line on 0300 123 7015 (Monday to Friday 9:30am to 2pm). The charity also provide a variety of online workshops.

Family Rights Group

The Family Rights Group is a charity that can give advice and information to special guardians. Offering a free and confidential telephone and digital advice service providing legal and practical advice to families. Supporting kinship carers, who are raising a relative or a friend’s child. The website also has advice sheets for special guardians. Telephone 0808 801 0366.

Adopt London North

Email adoptionsupportduty@islington.gov.uk or telephone 020 7527 4777 (select option 2).


For adoptive parents, special guardians, school staff and social workers, to talk through any school or educational concerns regarding adopted or special guardianship children, and receive advice and support. London Education Advice Line telephone 020 7284 5879, Thursdays 12pm to 2pm (during school term times only).


The Enfield Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS Service) is open to any Enfield resident aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs, their parents and carers and professionals who support these families. This service is impartial, confidential and free to use. This includes a phone line open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, and evening appointments available for families unable to access the service during business hours. Telephone 07494 280063 or email sendiassenfield@centre404.org.uk.

Coram children’s legal centre

Coram Child Law Advice informs parents and carers on the legal position across a range of education law topics so that they are better equipped to deal with challenges they may face.

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