Council Tax discounts

You may be eligible for a discount or exemption on your Council Tax. You will need to know your Council Tax account number to apply for these discounts. We may ask you to provide us with proof of the information you are telling us.

If you think you may be entitled, you should fill in the relevant form and email to Make sure the subject of your email includes your Council Tax number inside angled brackets, for example <12345678>.

You can also return the form by post to:

Council Tax
PO Box 63
Civic Centre
Silver Street

Single person discount

You may be entitled to a 25% discount if:

Discounts for people who are not counted for Council Tax

Some residents are not eligible to pay Council Tax (disregarded) and can apply for a discount.

You may be entitled to a 50% discount if:

Please refer to the below listing for details of residents who may be disregarded. If you feel one of these apply to you or a member of your household, complete the required application form and submit, as advised:

If you have adapted your home for a disabled adult or child (PDF, 136.59 KB) you may be entitled to a reduction. If you are eligible, your Council Tax will be reduced by one band.

Council Tax exemptions

The unoccupied properties that do not have to pay Council Tax are properties:

The occupied properties that do not have to pay Council Tax are properties:

Contact us

If you think you may not be liable to pay Council Tax, see our information on who has to pay or email Make sure the subject of your email includes your Council Tax number inside angled brackets, for example <1234567>.

Periodically, we may review your Council Tax discount, disregard or exemption. If we contact you to review your reduction of Council Tax, you must reply with the information we request. If you do not reply, we will remove your discount, disregard or exemption and you will have to pay your full Council Tax.

It is a criminal offence to claim a reduction you are not entitled to. Enfield Council will act against anyone falsely claiming a discount. You must tell us of any change in your circumstance which may affect your entitlement to a discount.

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