Difficulty paying Council Tax

If you're struggling to pay Council Tax

Please call 020 8379 1000 or email revs@enfield.gov.uk to discuss your situation as we may be able to come to an arrangement with you to help you pay your Council Tax debt. Make sure the subject of your email includes your Council Tax number inside angled brackets, for example <12345678>.

You may be entitled to a discount, disregard or exemption on your Council Tax. To find out if you're entitled, please see Council Tax discounts.

If you're on a low income, you may be entitled to Council Tax Support. To apply, see Council Tax Support.

If you already receive Council Tax Support but are having severe difficulty paying your Council Tax, you can apply for a Council Tax Hardship payment.

If due to rising living costs you're struggling to afford the essentials or need support of any kind, see Cost of Living support where you can find help and advice.

Our Welfare Advice and Debt Support team provide support to customers who are vulnerable and affected by debts to the council. You can complete a referral form and they will contact you to see what advice and help they can give you.

There are other organisations outside of the council that offer free, confidential, and expert debt and budgeting advice:

Welfare Together

We are also working with Welfare Together to provide you with all the support and guidance you need. Welfare Together will listen to you to understand your concerns. Their team is dedicated to helping you with your finances and improving your financial resilience. They will work with you to understand your individual circumstances and create a personalised plan that suits you. They will review your benefit payments, including discretionary housing payments, state benefits, and hardship grants, to try and maximize your income. For more information, visit Welfare Together.

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