Journeys and places

Journeys and places infographic

Connecting local people to local places for a greener, healthier future

Enfield Council's Journeys and Places programme enables and encourages people to make sustainable daily journeys for themselves and for our planet.

Journeys and Places delivers a range of projects across Enfield. Our work includes:

The Journeys and Places programme was previously called the Healthy Streets programme. It is still the same programme and is working towards the same goals. Our work continues to be underpinned by Transport for London’s Healthy Streets approach.

This work builds on progress achieved during the previous 'Cycle Enfield' project, which saw significant improvements made to help enable people in Enfield to walk, wheel and cycle. We continue to support people in Enfield to travel actively in the way they choose.

All of our initiatives are now captured as part of our Journeys and Places programme.

Visit the Journeys and Places website to:

For information on our projects, visit Let’s Talk Enfield.

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