Rivers, streams and culverts

Reports via our website are processed during office hours only, and in the order they are received. If you think the problem is urgent, call us on 020 8379 1000 to report this instead.

Residents are defined as riparian owners if they have a main river or ordinary watercourse, such as a ditch or stream, running through or along the boundary of their property. It’s the responsibility of the land owner (or riparian owner) to maintain these features.

Main rivers are defined by the Environment Agency and are considered to be capable of causing significant flooding. It's the responsibility of the Environment Agency to ensure that the riparian owner carries out their duties on main rivers. You can contact the Environment Agency on 0800 807060 (open 24 hours) to report problems with main rivers.

Ordinary watercourses are any other rivers, streams or ditches that are not defined as main rivers. It’s the responsibility of the Lead Local Flood Authority (such as Enfield Council) to ensure that the riparian owner carries out their duties on ordinary watercourses. You can report issues with watercourses such as damaged culverts, overgrown plants, rubbish or illegal pipes and channels. We will work with legal owners if there is a problem in their watercourse.

Report a river or stream problem

Report a damaged culvert

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