If you're homeless or threatened with homelessness, you should visit our Homelessness page to see if we can help you. The housing register should not be used to ask for help with your homelessness situation.
About the housing register
Social rented housing can only be allocated to eligible people. You are not eligible if you:
- are subject to immigration control
- have supplied false or misleading information
- have been convicted of or had legal action against you for violence, racial harassment, or physical and verbal abuse
In Enfield, reasonable preference is given to some applicants when they:
- need to move on medical or welfare grounds
- have unsanitary, overcrowded and unsatisfactory housing conditions
- have a need to move to a particular location, for example to be nearer medical facilities
- are homeless
Only those awarded sufficient points can bid for a suitable property. Those awarded enough points are given a user ID and PIN number. If you have applied but have not received a letter after several weeks, you should contact the Housing Assessment team on 020 8379 1000.
Private tenants whose home is in disrepair
Housing associations and private landlords have a responsibility to carry out certain repairs in your home and keep your property safe. Unfortunately, we cannot award priority to tenants solely because they are experiencing disrepair. If you have issues in your home, you should report these to your landlord or agent straight away. If they fail to fix the problem in a reasonable time contact our Private Sector Housing Enforcement team on 020 8379 1000.
Tenants who have been asked to leave by their landlord
If you’re asked to leave your home, you will not be awarded priority. You should not leave your home without getting advice first, as you may not have to leave by the date the landlord has given. If you’re worried, you can use our get help with your housing situation or visit GOV.UK for advice on evictions. Do not give up your home of your own accord and make yourself homeless. If you do this, we could decide that you are 'intentionally homeless' and will not be able to offer you further help.
If you are overcrowded
Overcrowding is very common and if you lack 1 bedroom, you will not be given extra priority. A property is considered to be overcrowded if it does not have 1 bedroom for:
- each adult couple
- any 2 children of the same sex regardless of age difference
- any 2 children of any sex under 10 years old
- any other child (other than a child whose main home is elsewhere)
Council and housing association tenants lacking 2 or more bedrooms will receive a home visit to assess the impact on their family. Most overcrowded tenants will be advised to use Homeswapper to exchange their home.
Tenants in private rented homes or living with family or friends who are lacking 3 bedrooms may be awarded priority. However, we can only help 1 or 2 households like this every year. Most housing applicants living in a private rented home will be advised to look at other housing options, including renting a larger home.
If your family, health or housing situation changes
If you are already on Enfield’s housing register, you should follow the guidance set out below and quote your application reference number.
For a new baby, provide the full birth certificate with a covering letter and email it to housing.assessment.team@enfield.gov.uk.
Get help with your housing situation if:
- a family member moves in
- a serious illness is badly affected by where you are living
- you have a change of address
These changes do not necessarily mean you will get extra priority for a council or housing association home.
Tenancies you may be offered
When homes are advertised on the bidding system, the advert shows what type of tenancy is being offered by the landlord. The types of tenancy offered are:
Enfield Council:
- Introductory tenancies are given to applicants who have never held a tenancy with a council or housing association. They are given an introductory tenancy for 12 months. Introductory tenancies can end if the tenant breaks the conditions of the tenancy.
- A secure tenancy is given after an introductory tenancy ends. If a tenant keeps to the terms of the tenancy, they can remain in the home for as long as they like. If we want to repossess, the courts decide whether to give the home back to us or not.
Housing associations:
- Starter tenancies are the same as the council’s introductory tenancies. The difference is that existing tenants who have transferred to another home owned by a housing association are also sometimes asked to sign a starter tenancy agreement.
- An assured tenancy is given after a starter tenancy ends. For breaches of assured tenancy agreements, courts have to give the home back to the housing association if proof is given.
- An affordable rent tenancy is a fixed term tenancy which lasts for 5 years or more. The rent will be higher than normal for council or housing association homes, but not more than 80% of local market rents.
Renting from the council or a housing association
View more information about renting from the council or a housing association.