Find Your Own Home scheme

Our Find Your Own Home scheme is one of the ways you could rent a suitable, affordable home.

Why join this scheme

We offer:

How to take part

Have we accepted a housing duty towards you? You can join our Find Your Own Home scheme.

To take part, you must also:

Your chosen home must pass our safety and affordability checks.

What to do next

You do not need to register for this scheme. If you are eligible, you can:

  1. Find a private-rented home you can afford
  2. Tell your caseworker about the home you want to rent

Finding a private-rented home

You should understand your tenant rights before you rent a home.

There are several ways to find a home to rent. For example, you could search property listings online. You could also register with an estate agent.

After you find a home to rent

Do not pay any money or sign any agreements.

We can sort out your tenancy agreement and payments (for example, deposit and rent in advance).

For more information about this scheme, please contact your caseworker.

Increase your housing options

There are other ways you could find your own home.

For example, you can register with our housing partners. You could also ask us about available homes for rent nationwide.

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