Homeless due to violence or abuse

If someone is being violent towards you, call 999. If you are not in immediate danger, you can call 101.

Are you homeless, or threatened with homelessness, because of violence or abuse? Call us on 020 3821 1769 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).

If our service is closed, and you cannot stay in your home, please call our out-of-hours service on 020 8379 1000.

Help for tenants who are victims of violence or abuse

Homelessness help for domestic abuse victims

We will:

If you are eligible for our help, we will do a homelessness assessment for you. We could offer you emergency accommodation until we complete this assessment.

Information about how we could support victims of domestic abuse is in our Domestic Abuse and Housing Policy (PDF, 2367.75 KB).

Further support for abuse victims

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