Homelessness factsheets and other resources

The factsheets and links on this page can help you understand our homelessness policies and support. These resources can guide you, but they are not a substitute for professional advice about your circumstances.

Online housing and homelessness advice

Do you need homelessness help? Please start with our online homelessness self-help tool.

If you are already homeless, find out about getting help if you are homeless.

Our factsheets

Avoid homelessness: advice for private renters. This is for people dealing with rent increases. It includes advice on ways to avoid becoming homeless. PDF of this document: Avoid homelessness: advice for private renters factsheet (PDF, 204.16 KB)

Help with housing costs: Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP). This is about about applying for, and using, DHPs to cover certain kinds of housing costs. PDF of this document: Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) (PDF, 150.93 KB)

Evictions and overcrowding. This is for people worried about being evicted. PDF of this document: Evictions and overcrowding factsheet (PDF, 212.9 KB)

Moving on from short-term accommodation. This answers common questions about our housing placement policy for homeless households. PDF of this document: Moving on from short-term accommodation factsheet (PDF, 164.1 KB)

Other resources

Our housing placement policy for homeless households (PDF, 214.18 KB)

Shelter’s housing and homelessness factsheets

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