Make a public authority referral under duty to refer

Duty to refer is part of the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017. It is one of Enfield Council’s statutory homelessness duties.

Who should use duty to refer

Only public authorities specified in the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 can use duty to refer:

You must make a ‘duty to refer’ homelessness referral to a local authority if you:

Individuals and the public

Individuals and members of the public cannot make a referral under ‘duty to refer’.

If you are homeless, or worried about becoming homeless, we could help you as part of our statutory duties.

Rough sleepers

Please do not use ‘duty to refer’ to tell us about someone who is sleeping rough. You will need to create a StreetLink alert.

Other ways to get homelessness help

Individuals and members of the public cannot make a referral under ‘duty to refer’.

If you are homeless, or worried about becoming homeless, please:

Refer someone under duty to refer – use Jigsaw ALERT

Do you work for a public organisation listed in the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017?

You can refer people to us:

  1. Get permission from the person you want to refer
  2. Use Housing Jigsaw’s ALERT to tell us about them

Make a referral on Jigsaw ALERT

What happens next?

A referral under ‘duty to refer’ does not guarantee we will house the person.

Each case is different. We will assist referred people or households depending on their circumstances and our statutory homelessness duties.

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