Moving on to a home you can afford

Rents in Enfield and most of London are very high. If you claim welfare benefits, you are unlikely to afford to rent in London or the South East.

The housing we offer you is likely to be outside of London. Our approach is explained in our housing placement policy.

How to find your own housing

Are you registered with us? If we are currently helping you to find a new home, take control of your own housing.

You should not wait for us to find you a home.

To be in control of your housing, you could:

Rent one of our nationwide homes

You could rent a house or flat in:

City and area guides

You can find out more about these locations online. For example:

Ask about our available rental properties

Contact your caseworker or email

Increase your housing options – register with our partners

Our partners are ready to help you find a home you can afford. When you sign up with our partners, tell them you are registered with Enfield Council.

You can register directly with any, or all, of our partners:

Get funding advice from Beam

For crowd-funding and housing help, register with our charity partner Beam. They can also help you to find a new job after you move.

Search for a home on MovingSoon

For a home you can afford, search MovingSoon.

Register with Homefinder UK

For social housing, wheelchair-accessible properties and private rent homes, register with Homefinder UK.

Move to the Midlands and the north of England with Reloc8 UK

For help finding a home that matches your budget and other needs, register with Reloc8 UK.

Find a private home to rent

For the home of your choice, you could find a private home to rent.

You have certain rights and responsibilities as a tenant if you rent a private home.

After you find a private home, tell your caseworker. You can also ask about our Find Your Own Home scheme and how to get one month’s rent and deposit (or an incentive paid directly to the landlord or agent).

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