Our Housing Allocations Scheme gives detailed information for allocating council and housing association homes in Enfield.
To find out more about the scheme, including a full outline of the changes, see our renting from the council or a housing association page.
For more information, you can also view the Enfield Housing Allocation Scheme (PDF, 745.88 KB).
Consultation on proposed changes to the Housing Allocations Scheme
For a number of people in need of affordable and secure housing in the borough, social housing is one of the few options available to them. However, with a shortage of social housing in the borough, our Housing Allocations Scheme is used to decide how to allocate the homes available to those most in need.
We are currently reviewing the scheme with some proposed changes that we believe will make it fairer and clearer. We would love to hear your thoughts on our proposals.
Our proposed changes include:
- increasing the length of time applicants must have have lived in the borough to be eligible for social housing
- considerations for increasing priority for overcrowded households who lack 2 or more bedrooms
- prioritising existing secure council tenants currently living on estates where new housing is being built
- considerations for homeless households
This consultation will run for a period of 12 weeks. The new scheme will be implemented from April 2025.
Who can participate
This consultation is open to all Enfield residents, voluntary and community sector organisations and registered housing providers.
How we will use your data
We are committed to protecting your privacy. Please be assured that we will not process any personal information as part of this consultation. We are only collecting and considering your comments on the Housing Allocation Scheme proposed changes. Any information provided will be used solely for the purposes of reviewing and updating the scheme, and no personal data will be stored or shared in connection with this process.
How to share your comments
Please share your views by completing our questionnaire. If you have difficulties completing it, you can use the easy-read version of the questionnaire.
If you have any questions, you can email us on housingallocations.consultation@enfield.gov.uk.
Closing date
Sunday 2 February 2025 (11:59pm).