
Apprenticeships give you fantastic experience in the working world and show employers that you can hit the ground running. Hands-on training offers you a real chance to put your skills into practice and helps you gain more confidence in a working environment.

Becoming an apprentice at Enfield Council offers:

We have been running a successful apprenticeship programme for many years. More than 75% of our apprentices gain full-time employment or progress on to another qualification, and some have gone on to become managers within our organisation.

You can find lots of advice on how to apply for vacancies and apprenticeships with Enfield Council via our careers page. You can also register for an account and set up alerts by visiting our vacancy search.

Many of Enfield’s schools offer apprenticeships, including business admin, ICT and teaching assistants. You can search for vacancies by visiting Careers in Education.

If you can’t find a suitable apprenticeship with Enfield Council or a school, you can search on GOV.UK - find an apprenticeship.

If you want to know more about apprenticeships, visit Amazing Apprenticeships.

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