Booking prices for sports facilities

Please note: We can only issue refunds for bookings if we have 48 hours or more notice.


Casual booking prices
TypePrice per day
Grade 1 pitch*£114

*Changing rooms available.


Season booking prices
Type Frequency of play Total matchesPrices
Grade 1 pitch* Every Saturday 20 £1,860
Grade 1 pitch* Every Sunday 20 £2,024
Grade 1 pitch* Alternate Saturdays 10 £930
Grade 1 pitch* Alternate Sundays 10 £1,012
Grade 2 pitch Every Saturday
Grade 2 pitch Every Sunday 20 £1,590
Grade 2 pitch Alternate Saturdays 10 £795
Grade 2 pitch Alternate Sundays 10 £795
Casual booking prices
Type Prices per day
Grade 1 pitch* £146
Grade 2 pitch £122

*Changing rooms available.

Football, rugby and Gaelic football

3G football pitch

Our 3G football pitch is an all-weather surface at a secure, floodlit location.

To book the 3G football pitch, email

Goal posts and nets are provided with your booking.

Weekday booking prices
Pitch type Pitch size Price per hour
Charter standard clubs (junior and adult) Half pitch £82
Charter standard clubs (junior and adult) Full pitch £149
Non-charter standard clubs (pay and play) Half pitch £90
Non-charter standard clubs (pay and play) Full pitch £163
Commercial Full pitch £266
Daytime Full pitch £60
Weekend booking prices
Pitch sizePrice
9v9 - half pitch £69 for 2 hours
11v11 - full pitch £133 for 2 hours

Other football pitches

Season booking prices
Type Frequency of play Total matchesPrice
Senior grade 1 pitch manned site* Every Saturday 32 £2,114
Senior grade 1 pitch manned site* Every Sunday 32 £2,490
Senior grade 1 pitch manned site* Alternate Saturdays 16 £1,057
Senior grade 1 pitch manned site* Alternate Sundays 16 £1,245
Senior grade 1 pitch* Every Saturday 32 £1,978
Senior grade 1 pitch* Every Sunday 32 £2,346
Senior grade 1 pitch* Alternate Saturdays 16 £989
Senior grade 1 pitch* Alternate Sundays 16 £1,173
Senior grade 2 pitch Every Saturday 32 £1,360
Senior grade 2 pitch Every Sunday 32 £1,472
Senior grade 2 pitch Alternate Saturdays 16 £680
Senior grade 2 pitch Alternate Sundays 16 £736
Junior grade 2 pitch Every weekend 32 £804
Junior grade 2 pitch Alternate weekends 16 £402
9-a-side pitch Every weekend 32 £1,106
9-a-side pitch Alternate weekends 16 £553
7-a-side pitch Every weekend 32 £496
5-a-side pitch Every weekend 32 £496
Post football litter clearance Not applicable Not applicable £96

*Enfield playing fields

Casual booking prices
Type Day of play Price per match
Senior grade 1 pitch* Saturday £147
Senior grade 1 pitch* Sunday £156
Senior grade 2 pitch Saturday £102
Senior grade 2 pitch Sunday £113
9-a-side grade 2 pitch Weekend £80
School - Junior pitch Weekend £39
School - Senior pitch Weekend £72
School - Rugby pitch Weekend £72
Junior grade 2 pitch Weekend £58

*Changing rooms available.


Netball courts are available for public use from 8am until 10pm every day. The courts are free of charge from 8am until 5pm.

Netball booking prices
Type Price per hour
Grade 1 adult teams £26
Grade 1 junior teams £17
Grade 1 adult teams (over 10 bookings) £21.67 (no VAT charge)
Grade 1 junior teams (over 10 bookings) £14.17 (no VAT charge)
School event £18
Floodlights £4

Queen Elizabeth II Athletics Stadium

Queen Elizabeth II Athletics Stadium booking prices
Type Price per hour
School event £46
General event £51

Queen Elizabeth Stadium athletic track is available from 9am to 12pm every Saturday and Sunday for free.

Sessions are organised by the Friends of Enfield Playing Fields.

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