Children with special educational needs

Borrowing books

Children and young people can borrow books free of charge. They can also borrow CDs, DVDs and other resources at any of our libraries. Our online catalogue lists all books and items available. Children and young people aged under 18 can reserve library items, free of charge.

View information on overdue fees and charges.

Other library resources

You can also access the following services in many of our libraries:

External resources for children and young people who are blind or partially sighted

As well as the resources found in your local library, there are many other services available for advice, support and resources:

Books for dyslexic children

As part of our commitment to help readers of all ages to enjoy reading, Enfield Library and Museum Service stocks Barrington Stoke books, which are designed for readers with dyslexia. You can search for these using our online catalogue.

Dyslexia rulers

These rulers are designed to help those with dyslexia to read. One side is transparent and designed to highlight the text beneath while reducing glare. The other side is a ruled line that allows dyslexic readers to keep their place on the page.

Dyslexia rulers will be available to borrow from the following libraries:

All other libraries will have a reference set only.

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