Volunteering is fun, rewarding and it changes lives.
We're looking for people of all ages and backgrounds to help us deliver fantastic projects in our libraries and Community Hubs for the benefit of the community. We have opportunities ranging from helping with children's activities to sharing your IT skills by becoming a computer buddy.
Volunteers must be aged 14 or over. Volunteers under 18 will need to provide a signature from their parent or guardian before they take up their role.
You will need to provide the contact details of 2 referees who are over 18 and know you well, but are not members of your family. We will contact your referees if you're successful at interview.
The roles are unpaid, but if you need to travel to a library you can claim travel costs.
The following volunteer roles are available in Enfield libraries:
- Community garden volunteer (PDF, 184.83 KB)
- Adult's activity volunteer (PDF, 112.51 KB)
- Baby rhyme time, toddler time and under 5's volunteer (PDF, 114.34 KB)
- Children's activity volunteer (PDF, 112.53 KB)
- Community library volunteer (PDF, 116.43 KB)
- Computer buddy volunteer (PDF, 114.65 KB)
- ESOL conversation club volunteer (PDF, 113.42 KB)
- Library support volunteer (PDF, 115.54 KB)
- Meet and greet volunteer (PDF, 113.93 KB)
- Shelving squad volunteer (PDF, 112.09 KB)
- Summer reading challenge volunteer (PDF, 114.92 KB)
- Volunteer coordinator (PDF, 115 KB)
For more information about the roles our volunteers hold at our Community Hubs, view community hub volunteering (PDF, 199.24 KB).
If you need any assistance applying to be a volunteer, ask your local library or pop along to Community Hubs for help.