Noise nuisance

The council operate a noise team on Friday and Saturday nights between 9pm and 3am. If you're affected by noise during these hours, you can report it by calling us on 020 8379 1000. We will contact you to arrange a visit and assess the noise.

If you're affected by noise outside of these hours, you can make a report using the links below.

We will send you a log sheet to fill in so we have a record of when the noise is happening and how it is affecting you. We will also contact the person and let them know a complaint has been made.

Most noise issues are resolved informally after we contact the person living in the property. If the noise continues and the nuisance is witnessed, we can serve an abatement notice. If the notice is breached, we can issue a fixed penalty notice or prosecute, and may seize noise making equipment if it still carries on.

You can view the Noise advisory letter (PDF, 153.99 KB) and Noise log sheets (PDF, 354.32 KB).

Noise from a residential property

If you're affected by noise from a residential property, we ask that you first speak to your neighbour and let them know it’s bothering you.

If it continues, or you are not happy to speak to them, you can report it and we may take action depending on the type of noise.

We cannot deal with noise due to poor insulation or from normal living activities, such as children playing or vacuuming during the day.

Report noise from a residential property

Noise from a commercial property

You can report noise from a commercial property and we will take action if we believe it is a statutory nuisance.

We cannot deal with noise from road works or people in the street.

Report noise from a commercial property

The regular car meetings taking place in the borough are a Police matter and the Metropolitan Police, Roads and Transport Policing Command (Pro-active Safer Roads Team), have been working together with the Local Enfield Neighbourhood Policing Team, who are pro-actively policing these events in Enfield.

Report car meetings to the Police at the time of the event on 101 or by visiting Metropolitan Police.

Noise from a construction site

You can report noise from a construction site and we will take action if we believe it is a statutory nuisance.

Noisy building works that can be heard at the site boundary, should only take place:

Noisy building works are not allowed outside of these times or on bank holidays, unless by prior agreement with us.

Report noise from a construction site

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