Appeal a penalty charge notice
You can appeal a penalty charge notice (PCN), also called a parking ticket or fine, if you think it was issued by mistake. The way you can appeal depends on the type of PCN you received, (for example, moving traffic, parking or bus lane). For more information, visit London Tribunals – Understanding the enforcement process.
Once an appeal is received, the case is put on hold until a decision is made. Do not make a payment if you want to appeal your PCN. Once payment has been received, the case is closed, and you cannot appeal further.
If your vehicle has been taken to our car pound, you must release it before you can appeal.
You can view CCTV and other images online. You will need your PCN number and vehicle registration number. If you have lost your PCN number and want to pay or appeal, email for the details.
Do not ignore a PCN. If it is not paid or contested in line with the legal process, extra penalties may apply.
You can appeal a PCN online or by post to:
NSL Limited
PO Box 65732
N13 9BL
Supporting documents for car park charges
- If your season ticket allows you to park in the car park, you will need to provide a copy of your season ticket
- If you had a pay and display ticket but it was not shown properly, you will need to provide a copy of your pay and display ticket, and explain why the ticket was not shown
- If you paid for parking on your mobile phone, you will need to give us the booking reference number and your mobile phone
- If you parked outside of the parking space markings, you will need to explain why you did not park within the lines
Supporting documents for on-street parking charges
- If you had a pay and display ticket but it was not shown properly, you will need to provide a copy of your pay and display ticket, and explain why it was not shown
- If you have a parking permit, you will need to provide a copy of your permit and explain why it was not shown
- If you have a Blue Badge but it was not shown properly, you will need to provide a copy of the Blue Badge, and a letter from the Blue Badge holder if they were the passenger
- If your vehicle had broken down in the street, you will need to provide proof from a garage, breakdown company or a store where you purchased parts
- If you had to park on the street because of a medical emergency, you will need to provide a letter of confirmation from a medical professional
- If you were parked temporarily to make a delivery, you will need to provide a copy of the delivery note or invoice
- If you hired out the vehicle to someone else, you will need to provide a copy of the hire agreement
- If you did not own the vehicle when the PCN was given, you will need to provide us with proof of purchase or sale
- If your vehicle was stolen during the time you received the PCN, you will need to provide the police crime reference number and the phone number of the police station
- If the parking space did not have parking restriction signs or markings, you will need to provide photographs of the area
- If you accidentally received a second PCN, you will need to let us know so we can cancel the extra charge
Independent adjudicator appeals
If you do not respond to notices left on your vehicle or handed to you, you will receive a Notice to Owner and can make a formal representation to us by the given date. If you get a PCN in the post, you can make a formal representation to us by the given date.
If we decide that your representation is valid, you will receive a Notice of Acceptance and we will cancel the charge.
If we decide that your representation is not valid, you will receive a Notice of Rejection and an appeal form.
You cannot appeal to London Tribunals unless you have received a Notice of Rejection and an appeal form from the council. The council will only issue a Notice of Rejection if they have received formal representations.
If you have received a Notice of Rejection and want to appeal to an independent adjudicator, you can do this online with London Tribunals using the verification code provided in the Notice of Rejection, or send your completed appeal form to:
London Tribunals
PO Box 10598
You can refer to London Tribunals for more information on the appeals process or contact London Tribunals on 020 7520 7200.
If you still have not paid the charge, we may pass the unpaid PCN to an Enforcement Agent (Bailiff) to recover the outstanding amount. They can also add their own fees to the outstanding amount.
For annual records of collected parking charge fees, refer to our parking statistics and reports.
Received an order for recovery of unpaid penalty?
If you have received an order for recovery of unpaid penalty, there are 2 options available to you at this stage. You must either pay the notice or, if you have grounds to do so, you may file a Witness Statement/Statutory Declaration.
Payment can be made through the 24hr automated payment line on 0330 088 4798. Or you can pay online through the parking website. You will need the PCN number and vehicle registration number to access the website.
During the current circumstances, the council will extend the deadline for payment if it's required. All requests for a payment extension can be made online through the parking website or by email to
If you want to file a Witness Statement (TE9) or Statutory Declaration (PE3) you may do so by contacting the Traffic Enforcement Centre on 0300 123 1059, or email and requesting the necessary forms to be sent to you. Alternatively, you can download the necessary forms.
Witness statement forms
A Witness Statement (TE9) form requires you to fill in the necessary details:
- PCN number
- Vehicle registration number
- Applicant (London Borough of Enfield)
- Location of contravention
- Date of contravention
- Your full name
- Your current address
You may make a witness statement under the following grounds, which apply to you:
Note - If your penalty charge relates to a London Borough of Enfield parking contravention, you may make a Witness Statement under one of the following grounds:
- You did not receive the notice to owner / penalty charge notice
- You made representations about the PCN to the local authority within 28 days of service of the notice to owner, but did not receive a reply (rejection notice)
- You appealed against the local authority's decision to reject your representation within 28 days, but you had no response to your appeal
- You paid the PCN in full. You must provide details of the date payment was made, the method of payment (for example, cash or cheque) and who the payment was made to. You may be asked to provide proof of payment upon request.
If you mark more than one box your application will be returned by the court. After you have selected a ground in which to file the Witness Statement the form must then be signed and dated. The courts will accept a typed/electronic signature on the form if completing an electronic copy rather than a physical copy. Once completed send the form to:
County Court Business Centre
St Katharine's House
21 - 27 St Katharine's Street
or submit via email to
Statutory Declaration forms
A Statutory Declaration (PE3) form requires you to fill in the necessary details:
- PCN number
- Vehicle registration number
- Applicant (London Borough of Enfield)
- Location of contravention
- Date of contravention
- Your full name
- Your current address
- Reasons for filing declaration
You may make a Statutory Declaration under the following grounds, which apply to you:
Note - If your penalty charge relates to a London Borough of Enfield moving traffic contravention, you may make a Statutory Declaration under one of the following grounds:
- You did not receive the notice to owner/PCN
- You made representations about the penalty charge notice to the Local Authority within 28 days of service of the notice to owner but did not receive a reply (rejection notice)
- You appealed against the Local Authority's decision to reject your representation within 28 days, but you had no response to your appeal
Once you have completed the form it needs to be sworn by a Commissioner of Oaths at a County Court or by a solicitor.
What to do if you receive a Notice of Enforcement
If you have received a Notice of Enforcement from Marston Group, Newlyn PLC or CDER Group (formally Phoenix Commercial Collections Ltd), it will be in connection with an unpaid Penalty Charge Notice. At this point there are 2 options available to you. Either pay the debt or, if you have grounds to, you may file an Out of Time Witness Statement / Out of Time Statutory Declaration.
To make payment of the debt, you should contact the enforcement agent to settle the debt. If payment cannot be made in full, you can request that a payment plan be set up for you.
To file an Out of Time Witness Statement (TE7 and TE9) or Statutory Declaration (PE2 and PE3) you may do so by contacting the Traffic Enforcement Centre on 0300 123 1059 or via email at and requesting the necessary forms to be sent to you. Alternatively, you may download the necessary forms.
An Out of Time Witness Statement form can be completed if you are in self-isolation and have access to a computer and internet.
An Out of Time Statutory Declaration needs to be sworn by a Commissioner of Oaths at a County Court or by a solicitor.
Name | Contact |
CDER Group | |
Marston Group | |
Newlyn PLC | |