Parking rules, restrictions and violations

You can report a vehicle if it is violating any parking restrictions. A vehicle is parked illegally if it is:

If you do not follow parking restrictions, you may receive a Penalty Charge Notice and your vehicle may be removed.

Report parking violations by calling:

Bank holiday restrictions

Our Traffic Management Orders do not give any concessions for bank holidays. Normal restrictions apply unless signs state that parking is allowed on bank holidays.

Disabled parking restrictions

You can report a vehicle that is parked illegally in a disabled parking space with white markings. A Blue Badge must always be displayed in the vehicle.

A Blue Badge holder can also park in any residential disabled parking space.

Anyone can park in a yellow disabled parking space.

Enforcement of cycle lanes and cycle tracks

Mandatory cycle lanes are marked with a continuous white line. Motorists must not drive, wait or park in the cycle lanes and cycle tracks.

The cycle lanes and cycle tracks are in operation 24 hours per day, vehicles are not permitted to park, load and unload at any time. Vehicles seen to be parked can be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice and possibly removed.

Motorcycle parking restrictions

You can park your motorcycle for free for an unlimited time in:

You will need to have a valid parking permit to park your motorcycle in a resident or business only parking space.

Goods vehicles loading bay restrictions

Goods vehicles can load and unload in loading bays. They can also park temporarily on yellow lines to collect and deliver goods.

You can receive a Penalty Charge Notice if you:

You can load and unload in permitted areas for an unlimited amount of time after hours.

School keep clear markings

School keep clear markings help prevent vehicles from parking in front of school entrances. It is an offence to park or wait on these markings during the times shown on the sign.

You can help improve safety around schools by:

Parking restrictions in the borough

To find detailed information about parking restrictions in the borough, visit TraffWeb.

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