Consultation letters

Former Whitewebbs Park Golf Course

Planning applications have been received on behalf of Tottenham Hotspur Football Co. Ltd for Tottenham Hotspur Women’s Football Training Centre in the former Whitewebbs Park Golf Course. The application reference is 24/00987/FUL.

An accompanying application has also been received, to connect this site to the existing training centre to the east. The application reference is 24/01012/NMA.

Information about the applications including all submitted documents is now available online at the online planning register.

To access all submitted documents related to this application, visit our public register. Additionally, a navigation document (PDF, 452.28 KB) has been prepared by the applicant listing all the submitted documents to help you navigate through the information effectively.

Please note Application 1 in the navigation document refers to application 24/00987/FUL. Application 2 refers to application 24/01012/NMA.

Participation is not restricted to residents who have received a letter. The consultation is open to anyone wishing to comment. The deadline for comments to be received is by 31 May 2024. You will need to register to submit a comment or log into your account if you have commented on a planning application in the past. How to comment on a planning application (PDF, 172.12 KB), may help you with this.

Comments will not be visible online and are not shown in the online count of comments received. While we will not respond to each comment submitted individually, they will be addressed in the officer's report that will ultimately be considered by the Planning Committee.

All those who submit comments on the application will be notified of the Planning Committee date once this has been confirmed.

Online planning register

If you have received a letter notifying you of a planning application, or have seen a notice, you can view the plans and related information using the online planning register.

Commenting or objecting

To comment or object to the application, you must create an account on the online planning register. This allows you to see the progress of an application, submit your comments and set up email alerts for applications or locations you’re interested in. It is different to an Enfield Connect account.

Once you have created an account, you will receive an email explaining how to complete your registration. This may be in your junk folder. If you have any difficulties, email, with the subject 'Accessing online planning register', and we will arrange for an account to be set up for you.

Remember to select the 'notify' option to ensure you receive email alerts for the application, or the 'track' option to ensure you receive a notification when a decision is made and can view the decision notice. Neither options are default settings.

Contacting neighbours about applications for planning permission is a statutory requirement.

Applications are open for comments for 21 days, or 24 days if the consultation period is over a public holiday period. You can check the neighbour consultation expiry date on the 'important dates' tab on the online planning register. We will not respond directly to comments, but they will be considered during the process.

If the consultation period has expired, comments can still be sent using the online planning register if the application status is ‘application in progress’ on the Summary tab. This excludes applications submitted under the Larger Householder Extension, Neighbour Notification scheme.

We cannot guarantee your comments will be considered if you have missed the deadline and the application status is ‘awaiting decision’.

Comments cannot be considered on applications where a decision has already been made. In some instances, we may contact you for further comments if an appeal is submitted by the applicant. These will be shown on the online planning register as 'appeal in progress'.

Comments are not currently visible online, but are held on file and available from the planning officer.

Consultation letter issues

If you are having trouble finding a planning application

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