Enfield’s heritage

Enfield Council is committed to preserving and celebrating our heritage. We follow the Making Enfield: Heritage Strategy 2019 to 2024 (PDF, 4683.81 KB) to support positive regeneration and economic growth.

Types of heritage assets

There are 2 types of heritage assets in planning, ‘designated’ and ‘non-designated’.

Designated heritage assets in Enfield include:

Non-designated heritage assets are important buildings, structures, areas or landscapes with heritage value that do not qualify as designated assets. Our local heritage list identifies some of these non-designated assets in the borough.

Most archaeological sites are non-designated. This means they are not protected by listing or scheduling.

Heritage strategy

Road direction sign in front of church

The Enfield Heritage Strategy outlines how the council will protect and celebrate the borough’s heritage.

Conservation areas

Building next to a river

Conservation areas are areas of special architectural and historic interest.

Listed buildings

Urn statue in garden

Listed buildings have special architectural or historic interest, and are legally protected.

Historic parks and landscapes

Chase Green

Green spaces across the borough contribute to its unique character.

Local heritage

Historic building and garden

Our Local Heritage List identifies buildings, structures and landscapes of heritage significance.


Ruins of a small brick building in woods

Archaeology is the study of the past by examining physical evidence of past human activity.

Heritage projects

Lavender Hill cemetery

Find out about recent, ongoing projects led by the Heritage Team.

Heritage resources

North Middlesex Hospital historic building

Resources to help you maintain, adapt and research heritage assets in our borough.

Heritage at risk

Inside of a church

We are dedicated to preserving our heritage for current and future generations to enjoy.

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