We are dedicated to preserving our heritage for current and future generations to enjoy.
Historic England’s Heritage at Risk Register
Each year, Historic England publishes a Heritage at Risk Register. This includes buildings, conservation areas, monuments, and parks and gardens that are at risk of being lost due to neglect, decay or inappropriate development.
For more information or to search the database, visit Historic England – Search register.
If you have any suggestions for additions to the register, you should contact Historic England – Suggest addition to Heritage at Risk Register.
Addressing heritage at risk
The reasons why certain buildings, landscapes, and areas are on the Heritage at Risk Register, are often complex and long-standing. Solving these issues can be a slow and detailed process, often involving other agencies.
We work with Historic England throughout the year to monitor entries on the Heritage at Risk Register. As set out in the New Local Plan, we work with stakeholders to maintain and enhance heritage assets, with the aim of removing them from the register.