Listed buildings

Buildings are listed when they have special architectural or historical interest. Government listing gives a building statutory protection, meaning that you must get listed building consent before undertaking any work that affects its significance. We also provide lists of buildings of local interest.

Statutory listed buildings

View the official list of statutory listed buildings (PDF, 299.57 KB).

Local listed buildings

Creating a local heritage list helps councils and communities identify local landmarks. Our Local Plan includes policies to ensure their importance is considered when a building alteration is proposed.

We have prepared a Local Heritage List (PDF, 2779.22 KB), alongside the Enfield Society, Enfield Conservation Advisory Group, Enfield Local History and Historic England.

Useful information:

Sculptures and blue plaques

You can view a list of sculptures (PDF, 401.05 KB), and an index of this list (PDF, 103.15 KB).

View the comprehensive list of Enfield's blue plaques (PDF, 284.58 KB).

Listed building consent is required for the demolition, alteration or extension of a listed building. To get guidance or to make an application for listed building consent, see Planning and building. To make a listed building consent application, follow the links for ‘Make a planning application’ and select listed building consent for type of application.

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