Important notice
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties in dispatching our land charges searches. We are working on fixing this issue. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
In February 2025 we dispatched 245 search results, delivering 73.73% within 3 working days. We are currently working on searches received on 3 March 2025.
(Updated 5 March 2025).
Property searches
When you buy a property or piece of land, it is important that you or your solicitor arrange for a search of the register. This will tell you about any restrictions (charges) which may affect the property or land.
A search is in 2 parts:
- Local Land Charge Register (LLC1)
- CON29 additional enquiries
How to apply for an LLC1 search
Our Local Land Charges register (LLC1) has moved to the National Digital Register. This can be accessed through either the HM Land Registry portal, Business Gateway or GOV.UK.
A local land charges search identifies restrictions or prohibitions on the use of property or land, such as planning permissions or listed building status. They enable a buyer to make an informed decision about a purchase.
How to apply for a CON29 search
You can use the council’s own portal in the following ways:
- Order your search online
- Select addresses from the council's central database
- Submit search requests directly from your browser to the local land charges team
- Maintain a history of your search requests and results
- Download results
First-time users will have to register to use the portal.
Alternatively, you may submit your CON29 search through the NLIS hub. For more information and hub fees, visit NLIS.
Important things to remember when submitting a search
- Make sure the property is within Enfield by using the council’s gazetteer
- Submit the correct fee, quoting your EENF reference number
- Provide an accurate and up to date location plan, with the property boundary clearly outlined
- Avoid outlining multiple properties
We are only able to search known and recognised addresses. We cannot search a plot number or an unregistered property number. If you’re unsure of the address, send a location plan with the site outlined to for us to confirm before submitting your search.
Online searches - National Land Information Service
Solicitors can submit full searches to us through the National Land Information Service (NLIS) hub. NLIS provides a single point of electronic access to all land and property information. For more information, visit NLIS.
Fees from 1 June 2024
Type | Fee (excluding VAT) | Fee (including VAT) |
Residential - CON29 (R) | £207.50 | £249 |
Residential - each additional parcel | £35 | £42 |
Commercial/offices/land/industrial - CON29 (R) | £262.50 | £315 |
Commercial/offices/land/industrial - each additional parcel | £35 | £42 |
CON29 (O) enquiries 4 to 22 (except 8 = £0) | £27.50 | £33 |
CON 29 where enquiries separately requested and charged per enquiry number - 3.6h-l, 3.9d-j, 3.9l-n | £2.20 | £2.60 |
CON 29 where enquiries separately requested and charged per enquiry number - 2.1a-d, 3.9a-c, 3.10a-h | £3.30 | £3.90 |
CON 29 where enquiries separately requested and charged per enquiry number - 3.7a-g, 3.11a-b | £5.50 | £6.60 |
CON 29 where enquiries separately requested and charged per enquiry number - 1.1j-k, 3.6e-f | £6.60 | £7.90 |
CON 29 where enquiries separately requested and charged per enquiry number - 1.1l, 2.2-2.5, 3.1-3.2, 3.4a-f, 3.5a-b, 3.6a-d, 3.6g, 3.12, 3.15a-b | £8.20 | £9.80 |
CON 29 where enquiries separately requested and charged per enquiry number - 1.1g | £13.10 | £15.70 |
CON 29 where enquiries separately requested and charged per enquiry number - 3.8 | £30.60 | £36.70 |
Applications for the Common Land and Village Green register (as detailed in the Commons Registration (England) Regulations 2014) | £1,113.33 | N/A |
Copy documents from CON29 relating information (each - including copy of search) | £27.50 | £33 |
Copy documents relating to register only | £27.50 | £33 |
Registration of a charge in Part 11 of the register | £81 | N/A |
Checking a plan to confirm site address and number of parcels prior to search submission (small) | £9 | N/A |
Checking a plan to confirm site address and number of parcels prior to search submission (medium) | £18 | N/A |
Checking a plan to confirm site address and number of parcels prior to search submission (large) | £36 | N/A |
Electronic searches - NLIS - local authority fees are the same as above, refer to NLIS for hub fees.
Fees from 1 April 2025
View or download the Local Land Charges fee schedule from 1st April 2025 (PDF, 131.62 KB).
To cancel a search, email with the subject header as 'search cancellation, [reference number]'. We must receive notice before the search is accepted, and a copy of the payment reference must be attached. Cancellations received after acceptance stage will not be refunded.
Copy documents
To request a document, email