Responses to draft Enfield Local Plan

Consultation on the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan ran from June to September 2021. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation. The responses we received have been analysed and used to inform the next stages of plan preparation.

View the Local Plan Email Response Index (DOCX, 271.04 KB) and the Local Plan Postal Response Index (DOCX, 116.12 KB).

View the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan consultation responses.

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Local plan response Response type
ELP0148 Mr M Llewellyn ( PDF) Postal
ELP0149 Mr P Hilton ( PDF) Postal
ELP0150 Mr D Latter ( PDF) Postal
ELP0151 R Hickson ( PDF) Postal
ELP0152 Ms I Padi ( PDF) Postal
ELP0153 F Paoli ( PDF) Postal
ELP0154 M Hare ( PDF) Postal
ELP0155 Mr D Almond ( PDF) Postal
ELP0156 Ms J Almond ( PDF) Postal
ELP0157 Mr D Ayears ( PDF) Postal
ELP0158 C Roper ( PDF) Postal
ELP0159 Ms R Roper ( PDF) Postal
ELP0160 Mr T Elliott ( PDF) Postal
ELP0161 Ms R Elliott ( PDF) Postal
ELP0162 Mr S Payne ( PDF) Postal
ELP0163 Mr P Hopkins ( PDF) Postal
ELP0164 Ms A Pierce ( PDF) Postal
ELP0165 Mr Z Aydems ( PDF) Postal
ELP0166 Mr J Musso ( PDF) Postal
ELP0167 Mr M Noto ( PDF) Postal
ELP0168 Mr P Burrows ( PDF) Postal
ELP0169 J Heywood ( PDF) Postal
ELP0170 Ms C Heywood ( PDF) Postal
ELP0171 V Dixon ( PDF) Postal
ELP0172 G Skapoula ( PDF) Postal
ELP0173 Mr M Skapoula ( PDF) Postal
ELP0174 Ms S Skapoula ( PDF) Postal
ELP0175 A Mandoula ( PDF) Postal
ELP0176 Ms J Bundock ( PDF) Postal
ELP0177 Mr C Osborn ( PDF) Postal
ELP0178 Ms J Spencer ( PDF) Postal
ELP0179 Mr D Exley ( PDF) Postal
ELP0180 A Wiltshire ( PDF) Postal
ELP0181 Mr G Thomas ( PDF) Postal
ELP0182 Ms C Sandercombe ( PDF) Postal
ELP0183 A Harrison-Wood ( PDF) Postal
ELP0184 Ms B Wiseman ( PDF) Postal
ELP0185 Ms C Patel ( PDF) Postal
ELP0186 RM Woodward ( PDF) Postal
ELP0187 Ms J Kearns ( PDF) Postal
ELP0188 Ms C Portmann ( PDF) Postal
ELP0189 Mr H Portmann ( PDF) Postal
ELP0190 Mr and Mrs Tsang ( PDF) Postal
ELP0191 M Bullen ( PDF) Postal
ELP0192 Ms Naismith ( PDF) Postal
ELP0193 Mr D Francis ( PDF) Postal
ELP0194 Mrs M Francis ( PDF) Postal
ELP0195 R Webb ( PDF) Postal
ELP0196 Ms L Jerram ( PDF) Postal
ELP0197 Mr A Warshaw ( PDF) Postal

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