Responses to draft Enfield Local Plan

Consultation on the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan ran from June to September 2021. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation. The responses we received have been analysed and used to inform the next stages of plan preparation.

View the Local Plan Email Response Index (DOCX, 271.04 KB) and the Local Plan Postal Response Index (DOCX, 116.12 KB).

View the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan consultation responses.

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Local plan response Response type
ELP0398 T J Goodger ( PDF) Postal
ELP0399 Ms A Karlsson ( PDF) Postal
ELP0400 Mr A Garwood ( PDF) Postal
ELP0401 Ms K Whittington ( PDF) Postal
ELP0402 Ms C Whittington ( PDF) Postal
ELP0403 Mr B Whittington ( PDF) Postal
ELP0404 Mr G Day ( PDF) Postal
ELP0405 Ms C Meeus ( PDF) Postal
ELP0406 Ms N Bowery ( PDF) Postal
ELP0407 Ms S Donnezian ( PDF) Postal
ELP0408 Ms L Murphy ( PDF) Postal
ELP0409 Mr J Dipple ( PDF) Postal
ELP0410 R Harr ( PDF) Postal
ELP0411 M Fichara ( PDF) Postal
ELP0412 Mr A Hicks ( PDF) Postal
ELP0413 Ms S Heard ( PDF) Postal
ELP0414 Mr T Watkins ( PDF) Postal
ELP0415 Ms A Bollers ( PDF) Postal
ELP0416 Mr P Williams ( PDF) Postal
ELP0417 Mr R Turner ( PDF) Postal
ELP0418 Ms M Las ( PDF) Postal
ELP0419 Ms V Higgins ( PDF) Postal
ELP0420 Mr S Ellis ( PDF) Postal
ELP0421 Mr M Boothe ( PDF) Postal
ELP0422 Mr R Bates ( PDF) Postal
ELP0423 Ms S Greasey ( PDF) Postal
ELP0424 Mr R Trevu ( PDF) Postal
ELP0425 G Varney ( PDF) Postal
ELP0426 J Beswick ( PDF) Postal
ELP0427 Ms J Hooker ( PDF) Postal
ELP0428 Mr G Wright ( PDF) Postal
ELP0429 Mr D Parter ( PDF) Postal
ELP0430 Mr I Tait ( PDF) Postal
ELP0431 Mr K Roth ( PDF) Postal
ELP0432 Ms L Carchia ( PDF) Postal
ELP0433 Ms C Hudson ( PDF) Postal
ELP0434 Ms L D'Souza ( PDF) Postal
ELP0435 A Blonn ( PDF) Postal
ELP0436 Mr M Austin ( PDF) Postal
ELP0437 Mr William Beisty ( PDF) Postal
ELP0438 R Hare ( PDF) Postal
ELP0439 Rich Hare ( PDF) Postal
ELP0440 Ms M Hare ( PDF) Postal
ELP0441 Ms F Turner ( PDF) Postal
ELP0442 Mr W Bromley ( PDF) Postal
ELP0443 B Welland ( PDF) Postal
ELP0444 Mr and Mrs Morrison ( PDF) Postal
ELP0445 Kelsie Rutter ( PDF) Postal
ELP0446 Mrs Ethal Beisty ( PDF) Postal
ELP0447 Ms G Foster ( PDF) Postal

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