Responses to draft Enfield Local Plan

Consultation on the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan ran from June to September 2021. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation. The responses we received have been analysed and used to inform the next stages of plan preparation.

View the Local Plan Email Response Index (DOCX, 271.04 KB) and the Local Plan Postal Response Index (DOCX, 116.12 KB).

View the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan consultation responses.

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Local plan response Response type
ELP0448 Mr A Ellis ( PDF) Postal
ELP0449 J Welland ( PDF) Postal
ELP0450 GA Watts ( PDF) Postal
ELP0451 Ms M Conwell ( PDF) Postal
ELP0452 A Albang ( PDF) Postal
ELP0453 Mr G Bell ( PDF) Postal
ELP0454 Ms C Bell ( PDF) Postal
ELP0455 Ms J Barton ( PDF) Postal
ELP0456 S Templeton ( PDF) Postal
ELP0457 T Goodkind ( PDF) Postal
ELP0458 Ms S Chipchase ( PDF) Postal
ELP0459 A Farndale ( PDF) Postal
ELP0460 Mr F Tebb ( PDF) Postal
ELP0461 Frank Tebb ( PDF) Postal
ELP0462 Ms J Drew ( PDF) Postal
ELP0463 Mr D Wheeler ( PDF) Postal
ELP0464 Ms C Winterton ( PDF) Postal
ELP0465 Ms K Hoffman ( PDF) Postal
ELP0466 Mr P Bartlett ( PDF) Postal
ELP0467 PM Lemon ( PDF) Postal
ELP0468 S Lemon ( PDF) Postal
ELP0469 Mrs S Cox ( PDF) Postal
ELP0470 P Cox ( PDF) Postal
ELP0471 Ms S Falm ( PDF) Postal
ELP0472 Ms L Fossett ( PDF) Postal
ELP0473 Mr A Fossett ( PDF) Postal
ELP0474 L Middleditch ( PDF) Postal
ELP0475 Ms C Pinion ( PDF) Postal
ELP0476 Mr P Mondghan ( PDF) Postal
ELP0477 GG Nurje ( PDF) Postal
ELP0478 Mr K Davis ( PDF) Postal
ELP0479 Mr M Lingwood ( PDF) Postal
ELP0480 Ms M A Caiger ( PDF) Postal
ELP0481 Mr M Sortees ( PDF) Postal
ELP0482 Ms S Soray ( PDF) Postal
ELP0483 A Halley ( PDF) Postal
ELP0484 Mr D Davies ( PDF) Postal
ELP0485 Ms S Davies ( PDF) Postal
ELP0486 Ms J Endean ( PDF) Postal
ELP0487 Mr G Hudson ( PDF) Postal
ELP0488 Mr D Mills ( PDF) Postal
ELP0489 Mr C McCann ( PDF) Postal
ELP0490 Ms C Cooper ( PDF) Postal
ELP0491 Mr T Robinson ( PDF) Postal
ELP0492 Mr L Antoniou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0493 Mr R Ruset ( PDF) Postal
ELP0494 Mr M Rusck ( PDF) Postal
ELP0495 P Loizoi ( PDF) Postal
ELP0496 Ms M Loizou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0497 Mr G Tukkalles ( PDF) Postal

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