Responses to draft Enfield Local Plan

Consultation on the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan ran from June to September 2021. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation. The responses we received have been analysed and used to inform the next stages of plan preparation.

View the Local Plan Email Response Index (DOCX, 271.04 KB) and the Local Plan Postal Response Index (DOCX, 116.12 KB).

View the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan consultation responses.

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Local plan response Response type
ELP0548 N Michman ( PDF) Postal
ELP0549 I Michman ( PDF) Postal
ELP0550 N Michman ( PDF) Postal
ELP0551 G Montagna ( PDF) Postal
ELP0552 O Demirel ( PDF) Postal
ELP0553 D Green ( PDF) Postal
ELP0554 J Betteridge ( PDF) Postal
ELP0555 Mrs M Christoforou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0556 Ms S Rodgers ( PDF) Postal
ELP0557 D Deakon ( PDF) Postal
ELP0558 Mrs J Hocking ( PDF) Postal
ELP0559 Mrs D Barnes ( PDF) Postal
ELP0560 K Bohne ( PDF) Postal
ELP0561 T Stylianou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0562 E Adkin ( PDF) Postal
ELP0563 Mr K Webber ( PDF) Postal
ELP0564 Mrs J Smith ( PDF) Postal
ELP0565 S H Chackal ( PDF) Postal
ELP0566 J Rose ( PDF) Postal
ELP0567 Mr J Aller ( PDF) Postal
ELP0568 Ms D Dyer ( PDF) Postal
ELP0569 Mr and Mrs H Hartwell ( PDF) Postal
ELP0570 Ms H Dyson ( PDF) Postal
ELP0571 Ms S Krachar ( PDF) Postal
ELP0572 Mr A Headley ( PDF) Postal
ELP0573 Ms M Turnball ( PDF) Postal
ELP0574 Mr Kyriacou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0575 K Kyriacou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0576 B Mouradian ( PDF) Postal
ELP0577 Ms K Constontinos ( PDF) Postal
ELP0578 Ms A Antoniou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0579 Ms D Yilmaz ( PDF) Postal
ELP0580 Miss Ava Gallagher ( PDF) Postal
ELP0581 Cook & Toro ( PDF) Postal
ELP0582 Miss Katie Gallagher ( PDF) Postal
ELP0583 Damien Gallagher ( PDF) Postal
ELP0584 Geraldine Gallagher ( PDF) Postal
ELP0585 Liam Gallagher ( PDF) Postal
ELP0586 Grace Gallagher ( PDF) Postal
ELP0587 Aytan Mustafa ( PDF) Postal
ELP0588 Elizabeth Overin ( PDF) Postal
ELP0589 Ms B Plumer ( PDF) Postal
ELP0590 Mr L Boudle ( PDF) Postal
ELP0591 Ms J P Boudle ( PDF) Postal
ELP0592 Ms C Plumer ( PDF) Postal
ELP0593 Mr E M Mbassa ( PDF) Postal
ELP0594 Ms S Flint ( PDF) Postal
ELP0595 Mr R Flint ( PDF) Postal
ELP0596 Mr G Flint ( PDF) Postal
ELP0597 Ms J Flint ( PDF) Postal

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