Responses to draft Enfield Local Plan

Consultation on the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan ran from June to September 2021. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation. The responses we received have been analysed and used to inform the next stages of plan preparation.

View the Local Plan Email Response Index (DOCX, 271.04 KB) and the Local Plan Postal Response Index (DOCX, 116.12 KB).

View the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan consultation responses.

Page 112/144

Local plan response Response type
ELP0748 Mr J Bassili ( PDF) Postal
ELP0749 Mr G Izigianmis ( PDF) Postal
ELP0750 A Shran ( PDF) Postal
ELP0751 Ms C Messiter ( PDF) Postal
ELP0752 N Bhoja ( PDF) Postal
ELP0753 Mr A Petrides ( PDF) Postal
ELP0754 Dr Q Malik ( PDF) Postal
ELP0755 T Kromidas ( PDF) Postal
ELP0756 Ms K Khan ( PDF) Postal
ELP0757 M Ali ( PDF) Postal
ELP0758 Ms C Argyrou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0759 Ms Z Balasher ( PDF) Postal
ELP0760 Ms V Lima ( PDF) Postal
ELP0761 G Mehmet ( PDF) Postal
ELP0762 Ms L Sari ( PDF) Postal
ELP0763 J Mcanuff ( PDF) Postal
ELP0764 HR Sampath ( PDF) Postal
ELP0765 Mr G Barrett REPEAT ( PDF) Postal
ELP0766 Ms I Barrett ( PDF) Postal
ELP0767 Mr SP Davison ( PDF) Postal
ELP0768 Ms P Cooke ( PDF) Postal
ELP0769 Ms R Daitz ( PDF) Postal
ELP0770 Mr H Daitz ( PDF) Postal
ELP0771 Mr T Balasher ( PDF) Postal
ELP0772 N Nicolou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0773 Dr F Chaudry ( PDF) Postal
ELP0774 Mr P Papasoskos ( PDF) Postal
ELP0775 Mrs L Wong ( PDF) Postal
ELP0776 A Wong 2 ( PDF) Postal
ELP0777 Mr K Wong ( PDF) Postal
ELP0778 E Chadasiewen ( PDF) Postal
ELP0779 Mr L Davis ( PDF) Postal
ELP0780 Mr N Davis ( PDF) Postal
ELP0781 Ms J Davis ( PDF) Postal
ELP0782 Ms A Davis ( PDF) Postal
ELP0783 Ms M Sampath ( PDF) Postal
ELP0784 Mr A Balfour ( PDF) Postal
ELP0785 F Ecuet ( PDF) Postal
ELP0786 Ms S Ouzzani ( PDF) Postal
ELP0787 J Nnona ( PDF) Postal
ELP0788 A Ecuet ( PDF) Postal
ELP0789 Ms S Ahmed ( PDF) Postal
ELP0790 Mr S Feldman ( PDF) Postal
ELP0791 Ms S Feldman ( PDF) Postal
ELP0792 RS Kalawana ( PDF) Postal
ELP0793 S De Alwis ( PDF) Postal
ELP0794 Mr and Mrs Kalawana ( PDF) Postal
ELP0795 Ms L Stacey ( PDF) Postal
ELP0796 J Manoharadas ( PDF) Postal
ELP0797 Ms A Rose ( PDF) Postal

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