Responses to draft Enfield Local Plan

Consultation on the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan ran from June to September 2021. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation. The responses we received have been analysed and used to inform the next stages of plan preparation.

View the Local Plan Email Response Index (DOCX, 271.04 KB) and the Local Plan Postal Response Index (DOCX, 116.12 KB).

View the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan consultation responses.

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Local plan response Response type
ELP0798 M Manoharadas ( PDF) Postal
ELP0799 Ms C Thompson ( PDF) Postal
ELP0800 Ms L Hanna ( PDF) Postal
ELP0801 Ms C Petrou-Christopides ( PDF) Postal
ELP0802 Ms J Murphy ( PDF) Postal
ELP0803 Ms S Sampath ( PDF) Postal
ELP0804 R & M Vincent ( PDF) Postal
ELP0805 Ms S Poon ( PDF) Postal
ELP0806 Mrs C Antoniou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0807 Mr D Antoniou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0808 Ms M Pavlou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0809 Mr K Sampath ( PDF) Postal
ELP0810 Mr G Charalambos ( PDF) Postal
ELP0811 Ms A Tidswell ( PDF) Postal
ELP0812 Mr N Tidswell ( PDF) Postal
ELP0813 FK Amfitrtiti ( PDF) Postal
ELP0814 Mr A Hadjuhannas ( PDF) Postal
ELP0815 Mr William Thompson ( PDF) Postal
ELP0816 Mr Tim Pavlou ( PDF) Postal
ELP0817 Mr R Johnston ( PDF) Postal
ELP0818 Manor Wood Lodge Residents Association ( PDF) Postal
ELP0819 SZ Das ( PDF) Postal
ELP0820 Miss G W Rolph ( PDF) Postal
ELP0821 Hulya Finduk ( PDF) Postal
ELP0822 Mr M Petrie ( PDF) Postal
ELP0823 Ms J V Hinds ( PDF) Postal
ELP0824 V A Hyder ( PDF) Postal
ELP0825 Ms M Petrie ( PDF) Postal
ELP0826 Ms Z King ( PDF) Postal
ELP0827 Mr D Blanck ( PDF) Postal
ELP0828 Julie French ( PDF) Postal
ELP0829 Kandice Muttison ( PDF) Postal
ELP0830 D J Sherlock ( PDF) Postal
ELP0831 Ms C Zacharias ( PDF) Postal
ELP0832 Mr Z Zacharias ( PDF) Postal
ELP0833 Ms A Zocharias ( PDF) Postal
ELP0834 Ms M Ball ( PDF) Postal
ELP0835 Mr M Chilton ( PDF) Postal
ELP0836 Ms J Wiles ( PDF) Postal
ELP0837 Mr C Wiles ( PDF) Postal
ELP0838 Mrs Lynn New ( PDF) Postal
ELP0839 Mr L Mitchell ( PDF) Postal
ELP0840 Ms L Barber ( PDF) Postal
ELP0841 Innocory A ( PDF) Postal
ELP0842 Ms B Adams ( PDF) Postal
ELP0843 Mr R Black ( PDF) Postal
ELP0844 SA Loach ( PDF) Postal
ELP0845 E Yildiz ( PDF) Postal
ELP0846 Hatice Yildiz ( PDF) Postal
ELP0847 Huseyin Yildiz ( PDF) Postal

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