Responses to draft Enfield Local Plan

Consultation on the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan ran from June to September 2021. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation. The responses we received have been analysed and used to inform the next stages of plan preparation.

View the Local Plan Email Response Index (DOCX, 271.04 KB) and the Local Plan Postal Response Index (DOCX, 116.12 KB).

View the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan consultation responses.

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Local plan response Response type
ELP1049 H Clark ( PDF) Postal
ELP1050 Ms Phoebe ( PDF) Postal
ELP1051 Mr T Osborne ( PDF) Postal
ELP1052 S Richardson ( PDF) Postal
ELP1053 Mr N Martin ( PDF) Postal
ELP1054 Ms J Hibble ( PDF) Postal
ELP1055 Mr L Hibble ( PDF) Postal
ELP1056 Mr D Hibble ( PDF) Postal
ELP1057 Ms K Anderson ( PDF) Postal
ELP1058 Mr M Anderson ( PDF) Postal
ELP1059 Mrs E Petrou ( PDF) Postal
ELP1060 Ms J Kasis ( PDF) Postal
ELP1061 Ms D Bliss ( PDF) Postal
ELP1062 Ms H Basara ( PDF) Postal
ELP1063 Mr and Mrs Knode ( PDF) Postal
ELP1064 Ms I Mortimer ( PDF) Postal
ELP1065 Ms H Dawes ( PDF) Postal
ELP1066 Ms L Wilson ( PDF) Postal
ELP1067 Ms M Patinayake ( PDF) Postal
ELP1068 Miss S Sadrettin ( PDF) Postal
ELP1069 Mr T Wheeler ( PDF) Postal
ELP1070 G Sivanesan ( PDF) Postal
ELP1071 Ms J Porter ( PDF) Postal
ELP1072 Mr J Taylor ( PDF) Postal
ELP1073 D N Smith ( PDF) Postal
ELP1074 Ms J Smith ( PDF) Postal
ELP1075 Mr C Marriott ( PDF) Postal
ELP1076 Ms B Jones ( PDF) Postal
ELP1077 Ms M Rebbetts ( PDF) Postal
ELP1078 K Rebbetts ( PDF) Postal
ELP1079 H Binboga ( PDF) Postal
ELP1080 O Binboga ( PDF) Postal
ELP1081 E Binboga ( PDF) Postal
ELP1082 Ms C Young ( PDF) Postal
ELP1083 Mr N Olive ( PDF) Postal
ELP1084 Mr A Williams ( PDF) Postal
ELP1085 J Duparcq ( PDF) Postal
ELP1086 R A Page ( PDF) Postal
ELP1087 Ms A Clarke ( PDF) Postal
ELP1088 Mr R Clarke ( PDF) Postal
ELP1089 Ms J Walters ( PDF) Postal
ELP1090 Ms J Villanox ( PDF) Postal
ELP1091 Mr J Gatros ( PDF) Postal
ELP1092 Ms J Whittaker-Smith ( PDF) Postal
ELP1093 Ms M Whittaker-Smith ( PDF) Postal
ELP1094 Ms K Cole ( PDF) Postal
ELP1095 Ms M Giles ( PDF) Postal
ELP1096 G Moody ( PDF) Postal
ELP1097 Mr S Perdoni ( PDF) Postal
ELP1098 Mr A Kramer ( PDF) Postal

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