Responses to draft Enfield Local Plan

Consultation on the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan ran from June to September 2021. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation. The responses we received have been analysed and used to inform the next stages of plan preparation.

View the Local Plan Email Response Index (DOCX, 271.04 KB) and the Local Plan Postal Response Index (DOCX, 116.12 KB).

View the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan consultation responses.

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Local plan response Response type
ELP1099 Ms MKF McCloughlin ( PDF) Postal
ELP1100 Mr LE Gonas Borges ( PDF) Postal
ELP1101 Ms R Kramer ( PDF) Postal
ELP1102 Ms S Kramer ( PDF) Postal
ELP1103 Mr C Hawksworth ( PDF) Postal
ELP1104 A Rolle n ( PDF) Postal
ELP1105 Ms J Pierson ( PDF) Postal
ELP1106 Mrs H Bradman ( PDF) Postal
ELP1107 Ms E Theodorou ( PDF) Postal
ELP1108 Ms A Child ( PDF) Postal
ELP1109 Ms S Adams ( PDF) Postal
ELP1110 Ms R Pestell ( PDF) Postal
ELP1111 Ms C Jennings ( PDF) Postal
ELP1112 Mr C Malone ( PDF) Postal
ELP1113 K Johnstone ( PDF) Postal
ELP1114 Mr D Michael ( PDF) Postal
ELP1115 Mrs S Fleetwood ( PDF) Postal
ELP1116 Mr M Strahlberg ( PDF) Postal
ELP1117 Mrs N Hiller ( PDF) Postal
ELP1118 Ms C A Langran ( PDF) Postal
ELP1119 Ms B Stronach ( PDF) Postal
ELP1120 Mr and Mrs Kendichio ( PDF) Postal
ELP1121 Mr J Fox ( PDF) Postal
ELP1122 Mrs J Kauffman ( PDF) Postal
ELP1123 Mr K Robinson ( PDF) Postal
ELP1124 Mr J W Elborn ( PDF) Postal
ELP1125 Mrs Aldous ( PDF) Postal
ELP1126 Mrs R Harper ( PDF) Postal
ELP1127 Ms J Rolin ( PDF) Postal
ELP1128 Ms B Hurley ( PDF) Postal
ELP1129 Mr R Slater ( PDF) Postal
ELP1130 Ms J Kyriacou ( PDF) Postal
ELP1131 Mr A Stronach ( PDF) Postal
ELP1132 Ms R Costa ( PDF) Postal
ELP1133 Ms L Calyer ( PDF) Postal
ELP1134 Ms P Calyer ( PDF) Postal
ELP1135 Mr M Biss ( PDF) Postal
ELP1136 Mr and Mrs Kaddish ( PDF) Postal
ELP1137 Ms O Cook ( PDF) Postal
ELP1138 Mr J M Cook ( PDF) Postal
ELP1139 Ms M Groves ( PDF) Postal
ELP1140 V E Clark ( PDF) Postal
ELP1141 C Bent ( PDF) Postal
ELP1142 J Bliss ( PDF) Postal
ELP1143 T Chrysostomou ( PDF) Postal
ELP1144 M Chrysostomou ( PDF) Postal
ELP1145 Mrs V Mayblatt ( PDF) Postal
ELP1146 Mrs T Smith ( PDF) Postal
ELP1147 Mr R W Smith ( PDF) Postal
ELP1148 Mrs N Shah ( PDF) Postal

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