Responses to draft Enfield Local Plan

Consultation on the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan ran from June to September 2021. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation. The responses we received have been analysed and used to inform the next stages of plan preparation.

View the Local Plan Email Response Index (DOCX, 271.04 KB) and the Local Plan Postal Response Index (DOCX, 116.12 KB).

View the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan consultation responses.

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Local plan response Response type
ELP1701 L W Davis ( PDF) Postal
ELP1702 S Mulcahy ( PDF) Postal
ELP1703 T Pearce ( PDF) Postal
ELP1704 J Testa ( PDF) Postal
ELP1705 J Dawson ( PDF) Postal
ELP1706 Angela Skrabaka ( PDF) Postal
ELP1707 J N Smith ( PDF) Postal
ELP1708 N South ( PDF) Postal
ELP1709 L Tully ( PDF) Postal
ELP1710 K Evangelou ( PDF) Postal
ELP1711 C Evangelou ( PDF) Postal
ELP1712 A Evangelou ( PDF) Postal
ELP1713 G Clayton ( PDF) Postal
ELP1714 D Clayton-Smith ( PDF) Postal
ELP1715 C Clayton-Smith ( PDF) Postal
ELP1716 S Chambers ( PDF) Postal
ELP1717 R Moore ( PDF) Postal
ELP1718 J Nunns ( PDF) Postal
ELP1719 Unknown ( PDF) Postal
ELP1720 Mr D A Clark ( PDF) Postal
ELP1721 K Swatton ( PDF) Postal
ELP1722 E A Lord ( PDF) Postal
ELP1723 J Gostling ( PDF) Postal
ELP1724 P A Lord ( PDF) Postal
ELP1725 L Gore ( PDF) Postal
ELP1726 C Johnson ( PDF) Postal
ELP1727 D Gove ( PDF) Postal
ELP1728 M Gove ( PDF) Postal
ELP1729 L Draper ( PDF) Postal
ELP1730 J McNicholas ( PDF) Postal
ELP1731 E Gorman ( PDF) Postal
ELP1732 L Draper ( PDF) Postal
ELP1733 R Draper ( PDF) Postal
ELP1734 K Cartmel ( PDF) Postal
ELP1735 M Giles ( PDF) Postal
ELP1736 Mrs G Woods ( PDF) Postal
ELP1737 D Freeman ( PDF) Postal
ELP1738 A Freeman ( PDF) Postal
ELP1739 Mr B J M Woods ( PDF) Postal
ELP1740 J Kirby ( PDF) Postal
ELP1741 H Michail ( PDF) Postal
ELP1742 C Drew ( PDF) Postal
ELP1743 D Swadel ( PDF) Postal
ELP1744 Mr A E Heywood ( PDF) Postal
ELP1745 G Swatton ( PDF) Postal
ELP1746 H White ( PDF) Postal
ELP1747 Mr W A Lipien ( PDF) Postal
ELP1748 W Kramer ( PDF) Postal
ELP1749 Mrs G Lee ( PDF) Postal
ELP1750 B Lee ( PDF) Postal

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