Responses to draft Enfield Local Plan

Consultation on the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan ran from June to September 2021. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation. The responses we received have been analysed and used to inform the next stages of plan preparation.

View the Local Plan Email Response Index (DOCX, 271.04 KB) and the Local Plan Postal Response Index (DOCX, 116.12 KB).

View the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan consultation responses.

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Local plan response Response type
ELP1901 Rob Meek ( PDF) Postal
ELP1902 Paula Campbell ( PDF) Postal
ELP1903 V Parla ( PDF) Postal
ELP1904 Maya Leo ( PDF) Postal
ELP1905 Melanie Morrison ( PDF) Postal
ELP1906 Leonard Cole ( PDF) Postal
ELP1907 Josephine Cole ( PDF) Postal
ELP1908 Barbara Miller ( PDF) Postal
ELP1909 Stephen Miller ( PDF) Postal
ELP1910 Rachel Keeley ( PDF) Postal
ELP1911 Alan Church ( PDF) Postal
ELP1912 Julia Tate ( PDF) Postal
ELP1913 Diane Bliss ( PDF) Postal
ELP1914 Lisa Lothian ( PDF) Postal
ELP1915 Karen Littler ( PDF) Postal
ELP1916 Malcolm Watson ( PDF) Postal
ELP1917 Matthew Sanderson ( PDF) Postal
ELP1918 Jane Mantell ( PDF) Postal
ELP1919 John Morrison ( PDF) Postal
ELP1920 Ali Hassan ( PDF) Postal
ELP1921 Richard Shearcliff ( PDF) Postal
ELP1922 Hannah Griffith ( PDF) Postal
ELP1923 Simon Griffith ( PDF) Postal
ELP1924 B Cooper ( PDF) Postal
ELP1925 Celia Smith ( PDF) Postal
ELP1926 Matt Clark ( PDF) Postal
ELP1927 Rob Evans ( PDF) Postal
ELP1928 L Drage ( PDF) Postal
ELP1929 J Robinson ( PDF) Postal
ELP1930 Stuart Cook ( PDF) Postal
ELP1931 Maureen Cook ( PDF) Postal
ELP1932 Barbara A Kennedy ( PDF) Postal
ELP1933 S Hardy ( PDF) Postal
ELP1934 Gary Runagall ( PDF) Postal
ELP1935 Theresa Turner ( PDF) Postal
ELP1936 Bob Ffitch ( PDF) Postal
ELP1937 Sam Hugger ( PDF) Postal
ELP1938 Nick Leo ( PDF) Postal
ELP1939 James Nestovic ( PDF) Postal
ELP1940 L Prizz ( PDF) Postal
ELP1941 Jack Bentley ( PDF) Postal
ELP1942 Caroline Harrold ( PDF) Postal
ELP1943 Sarah Tomkins ( PDF) Postal
ELP1944 Paul Haslett ( PDF) Postal
ELP1945 Paul Fox ( PDF) Postal
ELP1946 S Crump ( PDF) Postal
ELP1947 A Panaytofou ( PDF) Postal
ELP1948 Maria Pugh ( PDF) Postal
ELP1949 A Shahry ( PDF) Postal
ELP1950 Lucy Purvis ( PDF) Postal

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