Responses to draft Enfield Local Plan

Consultation on the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan ran from June to September 2021. We would like to thank everyone who responded to the consultation. The responses we received have been analysed and used to inform the next stages of plan preparation.

View the Local Plan Email Response Index (DOCX, 271.04 KB) and the Local Plan Postal Response Index (DOCX, 116.12 KB).

View the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan consultation responses.

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Local plan response Response type
2048-Deborah Dalgleish ( PDF) Email
2049-Derek Leftly ( PDF) Email
2050-Amy Fasey ( PDF) Email
2051-M Michael ( PDF) Email
2052-Sinead Kanlioglu ( PDF) Email
2053 -Nln Swaroop ( PDF) Email
2054-Lorna Allen & Christopher Allen ( PDF) Email
2055-Bernadette O'Neill ( PDF) Email
2056-Mr. & Mrs. D. Collins ( PDF) Email
2057-Sinead Kanlioglu ( PDF) Email
2058-Helen Neocleous ( PDF) Email
2059-Barbara Bowler ( PDF) Email
2060-Cristina Giorgioni ( PDF) Email
2061-Lionel Zetter ( PDF) Email
2062-Liz Storey ( PDF) Email
2063-Mark Fisher ( PDF) Email
2064-Debbie Cohen ( PDF) Email
2065 -Simon Braidman ( PDF) Email
2066-Jon Batten ( PDF) Email
2067-Matt McLaren ( PDF) Email
2068 LB Brent ( PDF) Email
2069 Landvest - Enfield Issues and Options Reg 18_Parkview Place_Landvest Reps 210913 ( PDF) Email
2069 Landvest Enclosure 1_Parkview Nursery Site Location Plan ( PDF) Email
2069 Landvest Enclosure 2_Parkview Nursery Supporting Document ( PDF) Email
2069 Landvest Enclosure 3_Existing and Propo Reg 18 Proposals Map w Parkview Nursery Site Plan Overlay ( PDF) Email
2070 Friends of Firs Farm ( PDF) Email
2071 Historic England ( PDF) Email
2072 Enfield Sport 02 ( PDF) Email
2072 Enfield Sport ( PDF) Email
2074 Lansdown - 135 TPR Draft Plan Response ( PDF) Email
2075 Natural England Enfield Local Plan Response ( PDF) Email
2075 Natural England Evidence Advice v2 ( PDF) Email
2076 Highways England ( PDF) Email
2077-Daksha Shah ( PDF) Email
2078-Rosa Rospo ( PDF) Email
2079-Gabriella Scipioni ( PDF) Email
2080-Mjellma Kika ( PDF) Email
2081-Jennifer Kirby ( PDF) Email
2082-Elaine Jones ( PDF) Email
2083-Sumit Sapra ( PDF) Email
2084-Glenn Wilson ( PDF) Email
2085-Yetaunde Odusanya ( PDF) Email
2086-Melvyn Newman ( PDF) Email
2087-Monika Turkosz ( PDF) Email
2088-Martin Palmer ( PDF) Email
2089-J Mote ( PDF) Email
2090-Janice Hellary ( PDF) Email
2091-Ayfer Mani ( PDF) Email
2092 LB Redbridge ( PDF) Email

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