Planning appeals

You have the right of appeal if:

We aim to decide applications within the statutory timescale, but where this is not possible, we can agree with you an extension of time. You have the right of appeal from the date the extended time period expires.

The decision notice sets out the reasons why an application has been refused and the policies the development doesn’t comply with.

Before making any appeal, you can contact the planning case officer to discuss possible changes to make the application more acceptable. Their details will be on the decision notice.

You may be advised to submit a revised application. If the nature of the development hasn’t changed and it’s the first submission within twelve months of the refusal notice, you won’t be charged a second application fee, providing you have not previously had a free resubmission. This only applies to applications decided upon before 6 December 2023.

If a solution cannot be agreed, you are entitled to appeal by contacting the Planning Inspectorate as detailed on the decision notice. The timeline for submitting an appeal depends on the nature of the application. If you don’t appeal within the time permitted, the appeal will be invalid.

For more details on the appeals process, visit GOV.UK.

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