What is planning enforcement?
Our Planning Enforcement Policy (PDF, 327.06 KB) outlines how we deal with breaches of planning control. This policy is a guide for residents, developers, and others. It explains our process for addressing unauthorised developments, or when there's been a failure to follow through with enforcement actions already in place.
To find out about the standards of service for planning enforcement, see our Planning Enforcement Charter 2025.
Recently, there have been changes in the law affecting the time limits related to enforcement, which means that the information in paragraph 3.8 is now outdated. We're currently updating the policy to reflect these legal changes.
Planning enforcement investigates possible breaches of planning control. This includes:
- building work, which requires planning permission, being undertaken without permission
- conditions attached to a planning decision are not followed
- the use of a building or site is changed without permission
Does every development need planning permission?
Planning permission is not always required. Extensions or alterations to single dwelling houses and extensions, alterations or change of use to commercial and industrial uses may be permitted development.
Find out more about permitted development on the Planning Portal.
Report a suspected breach of planning regulations
Before reporting a suspected breach of planning regulations, check our online planning register to find out if approval for the development has already been given.
If you suspect someone has breached planning regulations, you can report it online below.
Report a suspected breach of planning regulations
If you report a breach, we will keep your details confidential and will not disclose them without your permission. You will receive an acknowledgement with information about the case, including a reference number and the name of the person dealing with your enquiry. Once we have investigated the report, we will let you know whether a breach of planning regulations has been identified and what action, if any, we may take.
Enforcement register
Under Section 188 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, every local planning authority must keep a register of information on:
- enforcement notices
- stop notices
- breach of condition notices
Enfield planning enforcement register
- 1 January 1990 to 31 December 2010 (PDF, 525.66 KB)
- 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2014 (PDF, 321.71 KB)
- 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2019 (PDF, 292.43 KB)
- 1 January 2020 to 28 February 2025 (PDF, 301.21 KB)
You can search our register using the site address or by using the relevant enforcement number. When searching for information by address, we recommend checking both the current known address and any previous addresses that might be associated with the property.